Friday, April 25, 2014

Fate of CR-2013

Dear Comrades 

The coming week will be crucial for fate of the CR-2013 as the FM is expected to attend the office & subject file on returning from election companion. The sources have also confirmed that all the things are ready to issue awaited notification for implementation of the CR, but there stated some differences in format of implementation vis-a-vis what was approved by the Cabinet. 

The earlier Revenue Secretary Shri Sumit Bose was stated convinced from implementation format proposed in notification by CBEC authorities, but now the same is to be approved through the new Revenue Secretary Shri Rajiv Takru. Let us see convincing power of IRS lobby in their own interest. The sources also reporting that the implementation of CR can be held up for a long period if the IRS lobby is not succeeded in getting their desired approval from the present FM, too in the coming week. 

As published in earlier posts that neither base Cadre seniority/all India seniority is being implemented by the CBEC nor regional disparity is being removed during Cadre Restructuring for justice with Group B executive cadres. It is also unfortunate for our Cadre that the key office bearers of our Federation are neither updating blog nor responding to our calls/sms to disclose their strategy/decision/stand in the matter.

In view of above, Rajasthan Federating Circle have no option except to meet again directly with the Revenue Secretary and Board authorities in coming week for possible justice with our Cadre. Please also send your suggestions in this regard. 

With regards, 

Comradely yours,

BL Meena

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