Saturday, August 2, 2014

Urgent message for united opinion

Dear Comrades,
In continuation of Association’s post dated 28th July and 2nd August, 2014 all the Inspectors of Rajasthan are hereby informed that:-

We have received call from our all India Federation seeking our urgent & time bound views/suggestions on our demand for implementation of all India seniority of our cadre at least from 2003 onwards during implementation of the present CR.

As per office bearers of the Federation, the CBEC wants to implement all India seniority of our cadre from prospective effect i.e. after implementation of the present CR on the basis of regional seniority lists. The constitution of present Study Group on stagnation is nothing except to divert our attention from our this demand of natural justice.

Our Federation’s main focus is on implementation of all India seniority of our cadre from 2003 batch onwards in compliance of the judgement of the Supreme Court, too before or during implementation of present CR therefore, the Secretary General of the Federation asked our opinion on the following lines of action.

1.    Strong protest before the competent authorities of the Board and Chief Commissioners of all cadre controlling Zones for finalisation of the issue of all India seniority of cadre before implementation of the present CR.

2.    The DPC should not be conducted in any Zone for promotion of Inspectors of 2003 batch onwards till implementation of all India seniority of our cadre.

3.    Filing contempt petition and SLP before the Supreme Court seeking legal relief and directions for implementation of all India seniority of our cadre from batch of 2003 onwards i.e. the 1st batch of recruitment in compliance of the Supreme Court’s judgement of 1996.

We have received more or less similar calls from colleagues & office bearers of Shilong, Mumbai, Kolkata & Patna Zones. You are therefore, requested to send your views/opinion/suggestion by returning mail, call or sms so that we can communicate our united views to the Federation for necessary action in common interest of our cadre. 

Friends – We are waiting for your valuable & urgent opinion.

 Yours comradely,
BL Meena                                                           Abhay Singh
PRESIDENT                                           GENERAL SECRETARY

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