Thursday, June 5, 2014

Bitter truth on CR

Dear Comrades     Good afternoon, this new Blog crossed a number of 70000 visitors/viewers during the last 3 months.

We are dedicated to keep you informed with the latest news/views on CR-2013 or any other issue relating to our career. Our constant endeavour is to make your visit to this Blog a more satisfying experience that is why number of visitors is increasing rapidly. We wish to get your kind support as we have been receiving so far throughout India. Therefore, please write us, if you have any suggestion or feedback.

Truth is the Truth:
On 1st June, 2014, we had already informed that Thus, it appears that the awaited notifications are not being issued at least before August, 2014. Today, other bloggers also admitted our views writing that re-organisation would be implemented after the Budget session.

Friends – It is very unfortunate in CBEC that the CR being delayed in due to futile exercise of the Committees during December to April and our colleagues have no option except to retire month by month without 2nd promotion of the life.

Since promotions have been started in CBDT as a result of CR therefore, it is time for untidily appeal by all Associations/Federations before the new Finance Minister/MoS/Revenue Secretary for justice so that awaited notifications can be issued without further delay.

Yours comradely,

BL Meena                                                          

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