Dear Comrades – Good morning
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --
As on today approx 65% posts of Superintendent are at
Jaipur station whereas after 1st October, 2014 there will be only 30%
(130) posts for Jaipur. Thus, approx 50 Superintendents working at
Jaipur station will have to face mid-session transfer from Jaipur in addition
to 148 Inspectors, likely to be promoted to the grade of Superintendent on 30th
September, 2014.
of the said 130 post of Jaipur, most of the posts will be reserved for age of
57+, Patients, Women, spouse ground and persons having higher liaison. Further,
there may be some quota for senior officers in guise of administrative grounds.
Thus, posting at Jaipur will be very difficult &
dream ! 23 वर्षो बाद ज़िंदगी का पहला प्रमोशन –और वो भी इस कीमत और
शर्त पर !
Dear Friends - Think.....Think....&..again...Think....
that what will be happened with our colleagues, whose families are settled at
Jaipur and how they will perform their family liabilities, specially marriageable
The main reason for this situation is diversion of 60
posts of Superintendent of of Audit Commissionerate at Hqrs of Alwar, Udaipur
& Jodhpur Commissionerates. The CBEC has issued guidelines vide
letter dated 22nd September, 2014 regarding
Structure, Administrative set up and Functions of Audit Commissionerates.
In my opinion all posts of Audit Commissionerate
should be at Jaipur. The
Board has also mentioned in aforesaid letter that “guidelines may be
followed....... subject to deviations needed to cater to the local requirements”
Please send your urgent suggestions by returning
mails/calls. The time is very short so please be united alongwith Superintendent cadre.....फिर पछताए क्या होत है .......जब
चिड़िया चुग गई खेत !
Yours comradely,
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --
Dear Comrades,
On being asked by the Association members and in
consultation with comrade Abhay Singh, General Secretary, copy of the
Association’s letter dated 08.09.2014 is again posted below for your ready
reference on revised Transfer Policy:-
साथियों – हम तो सर्व-हित
में संभावित सभी प्रयास कर रहे है और सर्व-हित के लिए हर कदम उठाने को तैयार है, बस आपके कंधे से कंधा मिलकर
सहयोग और बाहर निकलने की जरूरत है – क्योकि एकता में ही शक्ति और सफलता निहित होती
“सरफरोशी की
तमन्ना अब हमारे दिल में है;
हे जोर कितना बाजुए कातिल में है”
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