Saturday, August 2, 2014

नोटिफ़िकेशन तो आ गया, लेकिन प्रमोशन कब और कैसे ?

Dear Comrades,

The much awaited order specifying the new formations and allocation of staff for new formations has been issued by the Board. As per the said order, now there will be following 6 Commissionerates in the Central Excise (Jaipur Zone):-
                                                                          Strength of Superintendent
     1.   Central Excise Commissionerate, Jaipur                         70
     2.   Central Excise Audit Commissionerate, Jaipur               78
     3.   Central Excise Commissionerate, Alwar                          60
     4.   Central Excise Commissionerate, Jodhpur                      58
     5.   Central Excise Commissionerate, Udaipur                       58
     6.   Customs Commissionerate, Jodhpur                                80

*In addition to above there will be only one O/o the Commissioner (Appeals) containing sanctioned strength of 2 posts of Superintendent.

**The above formations will be under supervision of the Chief Commissioners (CCO & CCA) containing strength of 11 posts of Superintendent.

Now, the revised sanctioned strength of Superintendent will be 417 (70+78+60+58+58+80+2+11) against the existing strength of 278. Thus, only 139 (417-278) Inspectors of our Zone will be promoted to the grade of Superintendent during implementation of the CR.

Thus, in Rajasthan Inspectors upto batch of 1994 only will be promoted whereas in other Zones Inspectors upto batch of 2006 will be promoted during implementation of the CR. There is no mention about any modalities for removal of stagnation & regional disparity in promotion.

In Customs Commissionerate, Jodhpur 10 posts of Appraiser have also been sanctioned, but there are instructions to fill up the same from Customs Houses of Mumbai, Chennai & Kolkata. AICIEA (Rajasthan Circle) will do all possible efforts to convert the same in posts of Superintendent. Further, the efforts are continues for separate sanction of posts for International Airport, Jaipur & LCS, Munabao.

Friends- During discussion on several occasions, AICEIA (Rajasthan Circle) had requested the competent authorities of the Board that looking into acute stagnation and regional disparity promotional opportunities for cadre of Jaipur Zone should be extended in neighbouring Zones, but the Board has shown discrimination while considering such request of Mumbai & Bhopal Zones only.

Study Group on stagnation:-
The Board has again constituted a new study group for examination and solution of existing stagnation & regional disparity in our cadre. The study group has organised its 1st meeting on 31st July, 2014 and likely to complete & submit his report in October, 2014. Further, there is no guarantee that report of the study group will be accepted and implemented because the Board will be free to constitute further study group or committee in the matter.

Friends – After approval of CR from the Cabinet, two Committees under Chairmanship of the DG (DRI) & DG (HRD) have already examined and submitted their reports to the Board obtaining all possible suggestions to solve the burning issue. This exercise is only for their near & dear of Zones to give undue promotional benefit on & above of their senior colleagues working in other Zones.

Therefore, there is no need to constitute of such study group or Committee again & again whereas all the facts are available with the Board. The Board’s judicious decision is the need of the hour for justice with their stagnated subordinate cadres.

Future of CR implementation:-
The all India seniority of our cadre is to be implemented at least from recruitment of 2003 batch as per judgement of the Supreme Court that is why Our Associations & Federation have suggested & demanded that the existing stagnation & regional disparity can only be removed through all India seniority of our cadre during implementation of the CR.
The Almighty may bestow wisdom to the Board to follow judgment of the Apex Court, failing which implementation of CR will be litigated for want of natural justice.

The notifications regarding jurisdiction of the new formations will be issued shortly and DPCs for promotions in IRS cadres will be conducted simultaneously, but the god almighty only knows about the justice & promotions in both the group ‘B’ executive cadres.

Please send your valuable views & suggestions at the earliest.

Yours comradely,

BL Meena

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