Monday, July 28, 2014


Dear Comrades,

The newly elected team of our Federation has started work on the resolutions passed in CEC Mumbai and Trivandrum Convention as much as they have met with the concerned authorities of the CBEC during the last week and reiterated the reasoned submissions on genuine demands of the cadre for natural justice. The main focus is on the following demands:-
(i)    Removal of stagnation & regional disparity in our promotion accepting all India seniority of our cadre during implementation of Cadre Restructuring at least from 2003 onwards in light of recruitments as per judgment of the Supreme Court.
The Almighty may bestow wisdom to the concerned authorities to follow judgment of the Apex Court, failing which implementation of CR will be litigated for want of natural justice.
(ii)   There should be no reduction in period of qualifying service for promotion to the grade of Superintendent till regional disparity in promotion is removed from the cadre.
The Member (P&V) and the DGHRD has assured the Federation that residency period will not be decreased during implementation of Cadre Restructuring.
(iii)  The minutes and result/outcome of meeting of all Associations/Federations held on 19.05.2014 with committee under chairmanship of the DGHRD on “Unification of Examiner, Preventive Officer and Inspectors of Central Excise” should be provided without further delay.
The DGHRD replied to the Federation that the minutes of the said meeting have not been finalized yet and the same will provide as soon as they will prepare it.
Friends – AICEIA (Rajasthan Circle) was also participated in the said meeting and all the above issues were discussed in detail with the probabilities and possibilities on possible decision of the Board. Actually, the DGHRD does not want to disclose their cards on issue of all India seniority that is why she has diplomatically replied to the Federation, too after 2 months of the said meeting.

The DGHRD also informed the Federation that they are waiting for the approval of CR file from the MoS Finance, and no sooner than the same is cleared, Notifications concerned will be issued.

Friends – It is crystal clear that the Board authorities are of the opinion to implement all India seniority of our cadre prospectively i.e. after present CR. As per reliable sources, they are waiting for favourable legal opinion for implementation of CR without all India seniority. This exercise is only for their near & dear of Zones to give undue promotional benefit on & above of their colleagues working in other Zones. Thus, the fate of the CR Notifications will be decided accordingly.
Our Federation also met Shri Prakash Chand, Consultant, and member of the Study Group, constituted for permanent solution of the stagnation issue and apprised him in detail the problems being faced by our Cadre. The first officially meeting will be held on 31st July, 2014 with all Associations/Federations.
As per reliable sources, there is no hope of our promotional DPC in 2014 as a result of CR because the Study Group is not going to finalise his report before October, 2014. On the other hand our IRS officers will enjoy promotional opportunities immediately on enactment of the budgetary amendments.
It is good start of the new team of our Federation that they are also doing sincere efforts on welfare measure of Health Insurance Scheme. They have informed that proposal being actively considered to provide mobile phones/laptops and mobile connection to CBEC personnel.
AICEIA (Rajasthan Circle) has welcomed the good start of new team of the Federation and rest assured for the best cooperation on any issue at any time, just on a single call.

Friends – Our unity will decide the formulation of the CR therefore, please be united for common interest & self-respect.
Yours comradely,
BL Meena

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