Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Election of Superintendent Association in Rajasthan

      Shri Nathmal Verma

 Smt Namita Chaudhary
 Shri Sunil Verma
S/Shri Nathmal Verma K.P. Goswami
The election of Superintendent Association in Rajasthan held today and results of election declared by Election Office Shri S.K. Bansal, Superintendent at 8.15 pm. The following officers are the new Office Bearers:-
1.   K.P. Goswami                        - President
2.   K.N. Bhat                               - Vice President
3.   NATHMAL VERMA                 - General Secretary
4.   Sunil Verma                          - Joint Secretary
5.   Smt Namita Choudhary       - Treasurer
Congratulations to newly elected team.
S/Shri Nathmal Verma and Sunil Verma are feathers on hat of the executive officers’ of Rajasthan as both are recipient of “PRESIDENTIAL AWARD”. We both had opportunity to work alongwith both the above officers and the tenure was remarkable forever that is why we are feeling very pride on this occasion. Smt Namita Choudhary is one of the association minded officers and had already been represented to the executive cadre.
We found hope that the new team under leadership of Shri Nathmal Verma will be mile stone in history of the Association as office bearers having approach of unity and justice with the cadre.
Now, AICEIA (Rajasthan Circle) will be more united and there will be no comprise with justice & self-respect of the executive cadres.
With goods wishes,
Yours comradely,
BL Meena                                              AbhaySingh
PRESIDENT                                           GENERAL SECRETARY

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