Monday, July 28, 2014


Dear Comrades,

The newly elected team of our Federation has started work on the resolutions passed in CEC Mumbai and Trivandrum Convention as much as they have met with the concerned authorities of the CBEC during the last week and reiterated the reasoned submissions on genuine demands of the cadre for natural justice. The main focus is on the following demands:-
(i)    Removal of stagnation & regional disparity in our promotion accepting all India seniority of our cadre during implementation of Cadre Restructuring at least from 2003 onwards in light of recruitments as per judgment of the Supreme Court.
The Almighty may bestow wisdom to the concerned authorities to follow judgment of the Apex Court, failing which implementation of CR will be litigated for want of natural justice.
(ii)   There should be no reduction in period of qualifying service for promotion to the grade of Superintendent till regional disparity in promotion is removed from the cadre.
The Member (P&V) and the DGHRD has assured the Federation that residency period will not be decreased during implementation of Cadre Restructuring.
(iii)  The minutes and result/outcome of meeting of all Associations/Federations held on 19.05.2014 with committee under chairmanship of the DGHRD on “Unification of Examiner, Preventive Officer and Inspectors of Central Excise” should be provided without further delay.
The DGHRD replied to the Federation that the minutes of the said meeting have not been finalized yet and the same will provide as soon as they will prepare it.
Friends – AICEIA (Rajasthan Circle) was also participated in the said meeting and all the above issues were discussed in detail with the probabilities and possibilities on possible decision of the Board. Actually, the DGHRD does not want to disclose their cards on issue of all India seniority that is why she has diplomatically replied to the Federation, too after 2 months of the said meeting.

The DGHRD also informed the Federation that they are waiting for the approval of CR file from the MoS Finance, and no sooner than the same is cleared, Notifications concerned will be issued.

Friends – It is crystal clear that the Board authorities are of the opinion to implement all India seniority of our cadre prospectively i.e. after present CR. As per reliable sources, they are waiting for favourable legal opinion for implementation of CR without all India seniority. This exercise is only for their near & dear of Zones to give undue promotional benefit on & above of their colleagues working in other Zones. Thus, the fate of the CR Notifications will be decided accordingly.
Our Federation also met Shri Prakash Chand, Consultant, and member of the Study Group, constituted for permanent solution of the stagnation issue and apprised him in detail the problems being faced by our Cadre. The first officially meeting will be held on 31st July, 2014 with all Associations/Federations.
As per reliable sources, there is no hope of our promotional DPC in 2014 as a result of CR because the Study Group is not going to finalise his report before October, 2014. On the other hand our IRS officers will enjoy promotional opportunities immediately on enactment of the budgetary amendments.
It is good start of the new team of our Federation that they are also doing sincere efforts on welfare measure of Health Insurance Scheme. They have informed that proposal being actively considered to provide mobile phones/laptops and mobile connection to CBEC personnel.
AICEIA (Rajasthan Circle) has welcomed the good start of new team of the Federation and rest assured for the best cooperation on any issue at any time, just on a single call.

Friends – Our unity will decide the formulation of the CR therefore, please be united for common interest & self-respect.
Yours comradely,
BL Meena

Thursday, July 24, 2014

CAG’s report on working of our Department


(1)    Customs EDI, not all that good - CAG
IF you are an importer or exporter, apart from the Customs officers, you have to deal with the erratic behaviour of a software programme called the Indian Customs Electronic Data Interchange System (ICES 1.5).

CAG conducted a Performance Audit on the ICES 1.5 for the year ended March 2013.
The Indian Customs Electronic Data Interchange System (ICES) was developed as the core ICT system through which import and export documents {Bills of Entry, Shipping Bills, Import General Manifests (IGMs) and Export General Manifests (EGMs)} were to be processed. The main objectives of ICES were to ensure uniformity of assessments and valuations; ensure faster processing; reduce transaction cost, interaction of the Trade with government agencies, and provide quick and accurate import/export statistics for compilation by the DGC&IS. ICES Ver 1.0 was initially launched as a Pilot project at Delhi Custom House in 1995. It was gradually made operational at other custom houses from 1997.

ICES 1.5, an upgrade of the original ICES 1.0 Version was rolled out in a phased manner across various customs locations from June 2009. The main features of the upgraded version were a migration from Oracle database 8i to 10g, which runs in an environment with a centralised application having:
1. Multi-locational functionality;
2. Single database with partitions for users to access data only for their location;
3. Centralized maintenance and updating of software.

The overall goal of the Directorate of Systems and Data Management (DoS) is to provide technical support to operations and safeguard resources by strengthening the computing infrastructure of CBEC. ICES was selected for performance audit since it forms the basis for Customs public interface and is posited to leverage the CBEC revenue administration strategy as an operational solution, which is efficient, effective, transparent and reduces transaction cost while augmenting facilitation of the trade. Audit came across systemic issues and issues involving inadequate scoping and functionality of the application. The total revenue implication of this PA report is Rs. 847.16 crore.
CAG Recommends:
1. The department may consider constituting a Steering Committee for developing IS plans according to its business strategy in consonance with its future IS needs.
2. A personnel policy for development of internal competencies for management of the CBEC's IS management, by recruitment, development and training of IT personnel may be developed for smooth operations of the department's mission critical IS systems.
3. Any changes in the operational features of logical security elements like password policy may invariably be implemented only after due authorisation and documentation of the changes.
4. The department may consider examining its core application (ICES 1.5) audited periodically for detecting deficiencies and suggesting improvements in the application. The strategic control must necessarily be with the Government and accordingly, the SLAs may be urgently reviewed.
5. DoS may consider mapping the serial numbers of the RSP notification with the Tariff line items and put in place necessary validations in the application to ensure that the importer declares the RSP, if there are any imports under a tariff line item, covered under the RSP notification.
6. The department may consider the introduction of appropriate validations in ICES Application and RMS to detect the related cases. The facilitation accorded to ACP clients by RMS may also be re-examined, in view of the large volumes of goods cleared at RSPs declared below import cost.
7. To ensure correct assessment, validation checks for declaration of same CETH/CTH may be provided for in ICES 1.5 application, for all goods classifiable under chapters 1 to 98 of the Customs and corresponding Central Excise Tariff Schedules.
8. The proposed Export Obligation Discharge Certificate (EODC) message exchange between the DGFT and ICEGATE has not materialised. The manual transmission of EODCs and their monitoring has not been found to beefficient. However, the data available in the application database may be used to generate EODC discharge failure reports and the licencees as well as DGFT may be pursued, for timely initiation of the revenue recovery procedures related to the EODC.
9. The information regarding provisional assessments, action taken in cases of short levy of duty and duty paid through manual challans may be provided for in the application, to allow updation of the data relating to each of import/export assessment record.

Will CBEC listen to CAG's wisdom?
(2)    Scrutiny of Returns is neglected area in Central excise - CAG
THE CAG in its latest report to Parliament on Central Excise observed that scrutiny of returns was a neglected area.

CBEC introduced self-assessment of Central Excise duties in 1996 and for Service Tax in 2001. With the introduction of self-assessment, the department also provided for a strong compliance verification mechanism through scrutiny of returns/ assessments, internal audit and anti-evasion. The crucial role of scrutiny of assessments as highlighted in the Report of the Task force on Indirect Taxes 2002 states "It is the view that assessment should be the primary function of the Central Excise Officers. Self-assessment on the part of the taxpayer is only a facility and cannot and must not be treated as a dilution of the statutory responsibility of the Central Excise Officers in ensuring correctness of duty payment. No doubt audit and anti-evasion have their roles to play, but assessment or confirmation of assessment should remain the primary responsibility of the Central Excise Officers".

CAG detected irregularities which could have been detected had the department conducted the scrutiny as per the prescribed procedures.
(3)    Internal Audit by Department - Not very vigilant - CAG
THE CAG observed, "One of the main compliance verification mechanisms in the department is the internal audit which carries out audit at assessee premises by following prescribed procedures including selection of assessee units based on risk parameters and scrutiny of records of the assessee to ascertain the level of compliance with the prescribed rules and regulations. Internal audit is empowered under Central Excise and Service Tax Rules, to access the records of the assessees at their registered premises. The Directorate General of Audit with its seven zonal units at Ahmedabad, Mumbai, Delhi, Bangalore, Kolkata, Chennai and Hyderabad is to provide a focal link between the Commissionerates (who actually run the audit process) and the Board on all audit-related matters. On the one hand, it aids and advises the Board in policy formulation and on the other, it guides and provides functional direction in planning, co-ordination, supervision and conduct of audits at the local level. Every Commissionerate has an Audit cell, manned by an Assistant/Deputy Commissioner and auditors and headed by an Additional/Joint Commissioner and this cell prepares, co-ordinates and monitors the audit plan. Internal audit parties consisting of Superintendents and Inspectors carry out this audit."

CAG attempted to check the efficiency of the selection process of assessees by internal audit cell of the department and actual audit done by the internal audit parties by verifying some assessee records already audited by the internal audit parties. And they found several issues not noticed by the Department's Audit.

Audit is the most lucrative section in the Department now and the consideration demanded for not raising audit points has shot up to lakhs of rupees. Assessees who have refused to budge to the high demands from Audit parties have found to their shock that it is much cheaper to pay off even lakhs to Audit parties than enter into litigation. The Audit can raise any objection on even issues settled long back. The Commissioners routinely approve these audit objections especially when huge evasion figures are shown. This results in a Show Cause Notice and the long process of litigation begins. You hire the best lawyers and plead before the learned Commissioner that the issue had already been decided in your favour by the Supreme Court. The Commissioner will come up with weird reasons for not following the Apex Court and one strong reason could be the assessee is different. He will demand duty for five years even if you were filing returns (which the officers were mandated to scrutinise and which they will not touch with a barge pole), impose an equal penalty and demand interest. He may also impose penalties on the officers of the Company. You have to make a pre-deposit for going in appeal. In the meantime even if your stay petition is pending, the Department will threaten you with attachment of goods and your bank accounts. Life will be made miserable and you will begin to realise that paying the auditor in the beginning of the story would have been the wisest decision. Sometimes wisdoms dawns a little late.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Election of Superintendent Association in Rajasthan

      Shri Nathmal Verma

 Smt Namita Chaudhary
 Shri Sunil Verma
S/Shri Nathmal Verma K.P. Goswami
The election of Superintendent Association in Rajasthan held today and results of election declared by Election Office Shri S.K. Bansal, Superintendent at 8.15 pm. The following officers are the new Office Bearers:-
1.   K.P. Goswami                        - President
2.   K.N. Bhat                               - Vice President
3.   NATHMAL VERMA                 - General Secretary
4.   Sunil Verma                          - Joint Secretary
5.   Smt Namita Choudhary       - Treasurer
Congratulations to newly elected team.
S/Shri Nathmal Verma and Sunil Verma are feathers on hat of the executive officers’ of Rajasthan as both are recipient of “PRESIDENTIAL AWARD”. We both had opportunity to work alongwith both the above officers and the tenure was remarkable forever that is why we are feeling very pride on this occasion. Smt Namita Choudhary is one of the association minded officers and had already been represented to the executive cadre.
We found hope that the new team under leadership of Shri Nathmal Verma will be mile stone in history of the Association as office bearers having approach of unity and justice with the cadre.
Now, AICEIA (Rajasthan Circle) will be more united and there will be no comprise with justice & self-respect of the executive cadres.
With goods wishes,
Yours comradely,
BL Meena                                              AbhaySingh
PRESIDENT                                           GENERAL SECRETARY

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

CBEC Chief not consulted on GST?



“IT is not the States alone that have complaints against the big brother attitude of the Central Revenue Department, but even the Chairperson of the CBEC feels that her team had been ignored by the Revenue Administration. The Indian Express reported that she told the newspaper in an interview - "We did not even get the recent re-revised draft of the Constitutional Amendment Bill from the department of revenue."

It is out in the open - the FM has a serious problem - the Revenue Administration must have convinced him that GST can be brought in without CBEC. As such CBEC managing GST would be a disaster, but handing it over to the Revenue Department without CBEC would be a calamity. It is heard that recently the IAS officers in the Revenue Department tried to make a presentation to the FM on GST which turned out to be a misadventure (the presentation, not GST), as they could not answer the simple questions posed by the FM.

Dear Comrades,

जिसकी कुहनी पर लगती है, दर्द का अहसास उसी को होता है।
चेयरपर्सन को यह भी सोचना चाहिए कि एक IRS तो 20 साल मे 5 प्रमोशन लेकर कमिश्नर बन जाता है जबकि इंस्पेक्टर को 23 साल बाद भी पहला प्रमोशन नहीं मिल रहा है और तो और cadre restructuring मे भी उसकी नहीं सुनी जा रही है तो इंस्पेक्टर केडर को कैसा लग रहा होगा ? क्या CBEC अपने अधिन्स्थ को पूछती या सुनते है ?
Income-tax मे cadre restructuring लागू हो गया और इंस्पेक्टर तथा आईटीओ को प्रमोशन भी मिल गया क्योकि CBDT मे IRS केडर अधिन्स्थ को भी अपना मानता है जबकि CBEC मे IRS एसा नहीं मानते।

Friends! It has been learnt from the reliable sources that CR is being implemented in IRS cadre during August, 2014 and CBEC do not want to solve the stagnation issue of Group B officers despite of detail study by (i) Various Study Groups, (ii) Committee of DG HRD & Chief Commissioners that is why the CBEC has again constituted a new study group to again examine the same issue.

Actually, CBEC want to litigate implementation of CR in subordinate cadres in guise of study of stagnation again & again.

Please be united for justice & self-respect.

Yours comradely,

BL Meena

Monday, July 14, 2014

ICT colleagues want to return in original Zone

Dear Comrades,

Some of our colleagues, who were joined in Jaipur Zone consequent upon their ICT have approached with desire to return in their original Zone.

Though there is no such provision for the same, but they suggested for efforts in this regard. One of our resourceful comrades Samir Sinha of Patna has already then up the matter with the DGHRD, but positive response not received so far. During my recent discussion comrade Sinha intimated that there are many colleagues in different Zones, who want to return in their original Zone/Commissionerate and we can again take up the matter with DGHRD through the Federation.

In view of above, such willing colleagues are hereby requested to submit their written willingness to the Association for further necessary action.
Yours comradely,

BL Meena

CR implementation further deferred at least for 2 months - Further commissioned a study group for stagnation

CBEC Commissions Study into problem of stagnation in Group B cadres

THE CBEC has commissioned a study into the problem of stagnation in the Group "B" Executive cadres (both gazetted and non-gazetted). The study is being conducted by Mr. Parkash Chand, Consultant, in association with Mr. B.B. Agrawal, Additional Director General, Center of Excellence, New Delhi. All interested parties (recognized staff associations, as also individual officers) may submit their suggestions in this regard to Mr. Parkash Chand, with a copy to Mr.B.B.Agrawal, at the following addresses:

Mr. Parkash Chand, Consultant, Directorate General of Human Resources Development, C-4, West Wing, Ground Floor, IRCON Building, District Center, Saket, New Delhi 110017

Mr.B.B.Agrawal, Additional Director General, Center of Excellence, 3rd Floor, Tower 3&4, NBCC Plaza, Pushp Vihar, Sector 5, Saket, New Delhi 110017

Soft copies may be sent to Mr.Parkash Chand at and to Mr.B B Agrawal at  
Authority:-CBEC Office Memorandum in F.No.8/B/194/HRD(HRM)/2013, Dated July 04 2014

Dear Comrades,

Though sufficient material for removal of regional disparity in promotion and implementation of all India seniority is already submitted to our all India federation during Trivandrum convention, but AICIEA (Rajasthan Circle) will remain active and touch with the Federation for cooperation and natural justice for the Association members.
Yours comradely,

BL Meena                                                          

सेंट्रल एक्साइज़ की एंटि-एवीजन टीम के साथ उधमियों की अभद्रता और जान से मारने की धमकी के मामले का परिणाम

Dated: 12th July, 2014

कस्टम एंड सेंट्रल एक्साइज़ टीम के साथ अभद्रता और धमकी का मामला

उधमी संगठन ने माफ़ी मांगी और सहयोग के वादे से मामला निपटाया
      कस्टम एंड सेंट्रल एक्साइज़ की एंटि-एवीजन टीम ने पिछले सप्ताह जयपुर शहर के वी.के.आई. एरिया मे श्याम सुंदर अग्रवाल की “नेशनल रबर वर्क्स” फेक्ट्री मे छापा मारकर सेंट्रल एक्साइज़ ड्यूटि की चोरी तथा नामी कम्पनियो की नकली  वाहन ट्यूब बनाने का मामला उजागर करके 1.47 करोड़ रुपये का माल सीज़ किया था।

      छापे की कारवाई के शुरू मे तो अग्रवाल ने टीम तथा अधिकारियों पर इधर-उधर से दबाव बनाने की कोशिश की, लेकिन अधिकारी दबाव मे नहीं आए तो अग्रवाल ने वी.के.आई. एरिया की एसोसियशन को बुलाया।  वी.के.आई. एरिया की एसोसियशन के प्रेम पोद्दार, जगदीश सोमानी इत्यादि 35-40 लोगों के साथ फेक्ट्री मे जबरन घुस गए और एंटि-एवीजन टीम के साथ अभद्रता की तथा जान से मारने की धमकी देते हुए छापे की कारवाई रोकने की कोशिश की। मामले की नजाकत को भापते हुए विभाग के उच्चाधिकारी पुलिस बल के साथ मोके पर पहुंचे।  एंटि-एवीजन टीम ने पुलिस पहरे मे माल जब्ती की कारवाई को पूरा किया तथा महत्वपूर्ण दस्तावेज़ो को कब्जे मे लिया था।
      मंगलवार को इंस्पेक्टर्स एंड सुप्रीडेंट्स एसोसियशन ने विभागीय टीम के साथ अभद्रता और धमकी की घटना की कड़ी निन्दा की तथा सेंट्रल एक्साइज़ कमिश्नर तथा चीफ़ कमिश्नर से मिलकर घटना मे शामिल उधमियों के खिलाफ एफआईआर भी दर्ज कराने की मांग की थी।

      विभागीय इंस्पेक्टर्स एसोसियशन के प्रदेशाधक्ष बी.एल. मीना ने केडर के आत्म-समान्न तथा विभाग की छवि की रक्षा के लिए टीम के साथ उधमियों की अभद्रता और धमकी को एसोसियशन के ब्लॉग पर “उधमियों द्वारा चोरी और सीना-जोरी” शीर्षक के तहत प्रमुखता से प्रकाशित किया तथा आल इण्डिया फेडरेशन के सहयोग से मामले मे कड़ी कानूनी कारवाई के लिए केन्द्रीय वित्त-मंत्रालय के उच्चाधिकारियों तक आवाज उठाई थी।
      विभागीय एसोसियशन के आक्रोश, दबाव तथा उच्चाधिकारियों की नाराजगी को देखते हुये उधमियों की एसोसियशन के प्रतिनिधी-मण्डल के रूप मे प्रेम पोद्दार, जगदीश सोमानी, परशरामपुरिया इत्यादि चीफ़ कमिश्नर ऑफ सेंट्रल एक्साइज़ के सामने उपस्थित हुये, घटना को दुर्भाग्यपुर्ण बताते हुये माफ़ी मांगी, वानछित सहयोग तथा भविष्य मे एसी पुरावर्ती नहीं करने का वादा किया। कर चोरी करने वाले उधमी श्याम सुंदर अग्रवाल ने अपनी फेक्टरी का सेंट्रल एक्साइज़ मे पंजीयन कराने के लिए आवेदन कर दिया है।
     शुक्रवार को विभागीय इंस्पेक्टर्स एंड सुप्रीडेंट्स एसोसियशन की चीफ़ कमिश्नर के साथ तीसरे राउंड की वार्ता हुई, जिसमे चीफ़ कमिश्नर ने उधमियों के प्रतिनिधी-मण्डल के बदले हुये रवये, सहयोग तथा भविष्य मे एसी पुरावर्ती नहीं करने के वादे को देखते हुये दुर्भाग्यपुर्ण घटना मे एफआईआर दर्ज कराने की मांग को छोड़ने का आग्रह किया। विभागीय एसोसियशन के पदाधिकारियों ने चीफ़ कमिश्नर को बताया कि प्रशासन द्वारा एफआईआर दर्ज नहीं कराने पर पीड़ित इंस्पेक्टर्स एंड सुप्रीडेंट्स द्वारा एफआईआर दर्ज कराई जावेगी। इस पर चीफ़ कमिश्नर ने उधमियों की पहली गलती एवं निवेदन को देखते हुये दुर्भाग्यपुर्ण घटना मे एफआईआर दर्ज कराने की बजाए उधमियों को एक अवसर देने की समझाइस मे कहा “जो तोकों कांटे देय.............वाकों है त्रिसुल”। वार्ता के अंत मे विभागीय एसोसियशन के पदाधिकारियों ने विभाग के “संरक्षक” चीफ कमिश्नर से सहमत होते हुये इस बार एफआईआर दर्ज नहीं कराने पर सहमति हुए।
      वार्ता मे चीफ़ कमिश्नर ने विभागीय एसोसियशन के पदाधिकारियों को बताया कि छापे की भावी करवाहियों मे स्टाफ की सुरुक्षा के लिए प्रभावी रणनीति अपनाई जावेगी और कर चोरो तथा सरकारी काम मे बाधा डालने वाले असामाजिक तत्वो के खिलाफ कानून के तहत कड़ी कार्यवाही की जावेगी।
उधमियों की अभद्रता और धमकी का बजट मे असर:-
सेंट्रल एक्साइज़ कानून मे से उधमियों की गिरफ़्तारी के प्रावधान को हटाने की पुरानी मांग थी और बजट मे उधमियों की इस मांग को मानने की पूरी संभावना थी, लेकिन आम बजट के ठीक पहले उधमियों की इस हरकत को देखते हुये कानून मे से गिरफ़्तारी के प्रावधान को हटाने की मांग पर पानी फिर गया क्योकि राजस्थान सेंट्रल एक्साइज़ इंस्पेक्टर्स एसोसियशन ने छापे की कारवाई मे उधमियों की अभद्रता और जान से मारने की धमकी के खिलाफ आवाज को आल इण्डिया फेडरेशन के सहयोग से केन्द्रीय वित्त-मंत्रालय के उच्चाधिकारियों तक उठाया था।
मामले मे मीडिया के प्रभावी सहयोग के लिए हमारी एसोसियशन मेम्बर्स आभारी है और रहेंगे ।
      आदर सहित,
आपका स्नेही,
(बी.एल. मीना)
ऑल इण्डिया सेंट्रल एक्साइज़ इंस्पेक्टर्स एसोसियशन
(राजस्थान सर्कल)

Results of JCM meeting

Dear Comrades,
The J.C.M. meeting held on 11th July, 2014 under chairmanship of the Chief Commissioner (Jaipur Zone). On behalf of our Association only undersigned have attended the said meeting. The raised & settled points are as under:-
1.    An immediate clarification will be sought from the Comptroller General of Accounts and DOPT regarding payment of private taxi fare if designated mode of journey/vehicle is not available upto the final destination of LTC.
2.    If some excess amount of any claim is sanctioned & disbursed to Government servant the same will not be recovered automatically from his salary without his written knowledge in this regard. The principle of natural justice will be applied in such cases.
3.    The Government residential quarters purchased from Housing Board at Jaipur & Udaipur will be henceforth maintained by our Department regularly without waiting of CPWD for maintenance thereof. Please approach the jurisdictional AO & Assistant Commissioner in this regard.
4.    The Government residential quarters at Customs border posts will be get repaired through CPWD converting some of the quarters into Guest houses. In this regard, a detail report/proposal has been sought from the jurisdictional Assistant Commissioner for immediate further action.
5.    The basic infra-structure facilities at LCS-Munabao will be reviewed from time to time by the Commissioner of Customs through jurisdictional Assistant Commissioner.
6.    From the last 7 months only single-single Inspectors are being deployed for round the clock surveillance duty of a cigarette manufacturer in remote area of Nagur too without basic infrastructure facilities. Though this point was not listed for the scheduled JCM, but the undersigned have demanded to depute a complete team under supervision of Superintendent at that sensitive & insecure place and if not done so, the administration will sole responsible for any mis-happening during such surveillance duty. This has been noted for time bound action immediately on return of the Commissioner, CE Jaipur-II.
7.    The Association have requested the administration vide letter dated 13th June, 2014 for some local transfers and transfer requests. Some on them have been issued and the remaining cases are under active consideration for final decision of transfer orders.
The Divisional Representatives/Delegates and Association members are requested to remain aware for compliance of the above settled points. Please also ensure that JCM meeting are organised & participated in all Divisions regularly.
Yours comradely, 

BL Meena                                                          

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Joint meeting with the CC & Commr on burning issue

Dear Comrades,

In continuation to the last post “Chori & Sinajori” it is to inform all of you that today Inspectors’ & Superintendent Associations met with the Commissioner & Chief Commissioner and demanded to lodge FIR against accused persons on the basis of incident report of the Additional Commissioner (AE).
The decision of the administration is expected by tomorrow. An advance report has also been submitted to our all India Federation and Comrades Abhishek Kamal -Secretary General and Anupam Neeraj -President have responded immediately for best co-operation to maintain unity of the cadre & image of the department.

Please remain united for the self-respect and wait for further update/message.
Yours comradely,

BL Meena