Saturday, October 12, 2013

Review and further line of action

Dear Colleagues,
                     दुर्गानवमी और विजयदशमी के पावन पर्वों पर हार्दिक बधाइयाँ एवं शुभकामनाएँ..... !!!
Today, we have reviewed the efforts made from 22.09.2013 onwards for betterment of our Cadre. We have also received many verbal suggestions and advices from the Association members. On the basis of feedback, it appears that new team of the Association has given good start, but still have to do continuous hard work to achieve the goal. We have discussed and decided further lines of action for possible betterment of the Cadre. Now, the Association team consisting well conversant & effective office bearers/members will visit Delhi on frequent intervals for discussion with the competent authorities and for close watch on day to day developments to safeguard/monitor our common interest. A separate team is also being constituted to obtain political approach/intervention for the justice. The progress will only be shared with all of you in General Body meeting or through e-mail after at least 2 visits.
We welcome your creative suggestion during the crucial period before finalization/implementation of the ongoing Cadre Restructuring. We therefore, request all the Association members/Delegates/Divisional Representatives/Office Bearers that:-
1. The unity is a basic need for our effective activities of the Association and the unity is only the strength of Office Bearers. If denial from justice is realized during the proposed visits/discussion with competent authorities of the Board/DGHRD, all the united members should be ready for DO or DIE action for the justice/parity in coming CR.Therefore, please do the needful to create environment of activeness/awareness in the Association members for the possible action.
2. DDO Certificates alongwith membership form are also required to establish unity. Therefore Assistant General Secretary of concerned Commissionerates, Delegates & Divisional Representatives are requested to please make 100% membership and also obtain DDO Certificates on TOP PRIORITY basis.
3. Please submit creative suggestion/advise/comments also through this blog so that the same can also be viewed by all the Association members. It will also help us to establish transparent activities of the Association.
4. Please remain in touch with each other and also spare time for the Association activities directly or indirectly daily at least for 30 minutes.
5. We all are responsible for the prevailing stage of stagnation and all of us want justice/parity in promotion, self-respect & social respect/image. Now, united all out efforts are only the need of the hour to obtain our rights/respect.
6. Please also remember:- “To achieve goals you have never achieved before, you need to do things you have never done before. ” - Stephen Covey 

With regards & good wishes.
Comradely Yours,
BL Meena                     Abhay Singh
President                     General Secretary, &
                                  Vice-President (NZ) AICEIA

1 comment:

BL Meena said...

Personal view & message:-

Our some senior colleagues are of fond view that as a result of ongoing Cadre Restructuring only 50-60 Inspectors will be get promoted despite of all out efforts of the Association.

The base & calculation of these colleagues are beyond my understanding. As per existing proposals, I am fond hope that 110+ Inspectors will be get promoted without any efforts of the Association.

Though, we are late in initiating efforts due to late elections, but we are committed for all out efforts to get at least 240+ posts of Superintendent to reduce level of stagnation in Rajasthan.

Though, the target is not an easy task, but we are committed to maintain our enthusiasm alive till the batter is won.

Our colleagues, whose name is falling between 110 to 250 of updated seniority list, are specially requested to please remain active too in touch with Office Bearers to achieve the target by hook or crook.