Dear Colleagues,
Today, I alongwith Shri Manoj Verma, Asstt Gen Secy (CE JPR-II) met with Dr. Sandeep Srivastava, the Commissioner of Central Excise, Jaipur-I and discussed on various possible aspects for getting more posts of Superintendent during the ongoing Cadre Restructuring. During discussion, we have submitted some genuine & reasoned submissions therefore, he has agreed to extend his possible cooperation to reduce the acute stagnation of our Cadre. The discussion was cordial and responsive, but still we have to work hard in this regard.
The next round of discussion with the same personality will be held on 10.10.2013 morning and after conclusion of the scheduled discussion, we will submit our additional & some revised written submissions on our genuine & justified demands with request to forward the same to the DGHRD alongwith his strong recommendations for betterment of our Cadre. This is for your kind information that Dr Srivastav, the Commissioner is also a member of ongoing Cadre Restructuring Committee. The result of our next meeting & further line of action will be published on this blog, so please remain in touch.
As per my reliable source, our Cadre Restructuring proposals will be get approved by the Union Cabinet only on 17th October, 2013.
Our GS Shri Abhay Singh is out of Jaipur due to some urgent personal work therefore, visit of the Board & DGHRD by the effective delegation will be decided immediately on his arrival at Jaipur.
Though, we are receiving cooperation from the Administration, but the requisite creative response is still awaited from some Delegates, Divisional Representatives and too from general members of the Association. I have requested to provide some data/information, but the same are still awaited from our outer divisions.
Looking forward your creative suggestions & response. With love & good wishes,
Comradely yours,
B L Meena
AICEIA (Rajasthan Circle)
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