Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Ongoing Efforts viz-a-viz Ongoing Cadre Restructuring

Dear friends,

I would like to update the factual position on subject issue, which is as under:-
Today's factual position:-  As you know that as per proposals of ongoing Cadre Restructuring the existing 2 CE integrated Commissionerates are  to be re-organized into only 4 CE integrated Commissionerates without any increase in sanctioned strength of Customs Commissionerate. Moreover no additional Commissionerate or staff has been proposed in Rajasthan for smooth functioning of Service Tax work, which is being increased day by day.

As per the said proposals our colleagues upto 1993 batch only can be promoted after completion service of 22 years whereas in other Zones like Delhi, Gujraj, Chandigarh etc there will be non- availability of Inspector with qualifying service of 8 years therefore, Inspectors working in such Zones are requesting the Ministry to reduce the qualifying service from 8 to 3 or 5 years.
If as such happened, we can imagine situation of stagnation, disparity and future career in Rajasthan too with rapidly increasing workload of Service Tax. The main reasons for such conditions in Rajasthan are (i) Low growth rate of Industry, (ii) Lack of awareness in Inspectors, and (iii) Lack of efforts by our Office Bearers during the last 2 years, which was the crucial period for meetings with the local Administration and competent authority of the Board. Thus we all are responsible for the present situation. Today we are too late to get the desired results.
Efforts of the Associations team:-  The Association team has started homework since beginning and now doing continuous & tireless efforts on the single agenda for getting more posts to reduce the prevailing acute stagnation. Shri Anil Gupta - Vice-President and Shri Akshay Sharma - Joint Secretary have been assigned responsibilities of liaison with local administration and competent authority of the Board and they are doing very well. Shri Manoj Verma - Asstt Gen Secy (CE JPR-II) and Shri S.K. Bhagat, Office Secy looking after all local work very well. Shri S.P. Singhal - Delegate (CE JPR-I) extending his best cooperation in desired matters.
As per programme of Shri Anil Gupta -VP, Shri N.K. Meena has visited Delhi on 7.10.2013  and collected some useful information and also enlarged the liaison circle. I alongwith Comrade Abhay Singh, Gen Secy are in touch with Competent Authorities, All India Federation and deciding possible line of action consulting with Shri Alok Mathur, Asstt Gen Secy (CE JPR-I), Shri Sudhir Sharma and other senior & export colleagues.
After our discussion, the CC, CE (Jaipur Zone) has forwarded his strong recommendations to the DGHRD on 4.10.2013 for creation of Audit & Service Tax Commissionertes, but it has learnt that chances for creation of Service Tax Commissionerate is not feasible due to late proposals and Audit Commissionerate is being not given to all Zones. We are also making pressure on the CC of Customs (Prev), New Delhi. Looking into the present scenario, we are also working on  alternative agenda in consultation with some senior officers and work is under progress, but the progress can not be published on the blog in our common interest. Now, our delegation is planning meeting with the Chairperson, Member (P&V), DGHRD shortly. We are also doing our best efforts for recommendation/intervention by Hon'ble Ministers & MPs for justice. 
Message for all of us:-   We are committed for all out efforts to ensure resultant DPC for 200+ posts of Superintendent and hopeful for positive result, but it a tough task due to late stage.
Dear colleagues - If justice is denied by the competent authority then struggle will only be the need of hour looking into imagine of stagnation & disparity therefore, all of you are requested to be prepared for united DO or DIE action on call of the Association. This message may please be given wide publicity among all the Association members for awareness and unity because ............................ABHI NAHI _TO KABHI NAHI.
Now at 3.05 am of 9.10.2013 I'm remembering few lines, which are as under:-
“To achieve goals you have never achieved before, you need to do things you have never done before. ” - Stephen Covey

 Remember:- Please send your valuable suggestion/comments at this crucial stage of justice during ongoing Cadre Restructuring. Looking forward your response/suggestion for further course of action.
This is being published in consultation with Comrade Abhay Singh, Gen Secy.
With regards,
Comradely yours,
B L Meena,
AICEIA (Rajasthan Circle)



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