Thursday, October 10, 2013

2nd round of meeting with the Commissioner, CE, JPR-I - Revised representation

Dear Colleagues,
                        Good afternoon.
As per the scheduled programme, today I again met with Dr. Sandeep Srivastava, the Commissioner, CE, JPR-I and discussed all possible positive points to get maximum post of Superintendent during the ongoing Cadre Restructuring. The 2nd round of discussion remained very responsive and cooperative. The Commissioner extended his full cooperation too with personal interest looking into the acute stagnation in our Cadre as well as genuine demands based on justified and reasoned submissions.
This Association is very thankful to the Commissioner as he has forwarded our today's representation by FAX to the DGHRD immediately on conclusion of the meeting and telephonically discussed with the authorities of the DGHRD accordingly.
Now, the Association team has completed the best possible homework before personal visit/discussion with the DGHRD and competent authorities of the Board. Our team will again meet with Dr. Sandeep Srivastava, the Commissioner, CE, JPR-I before leaving for Delhi.
Please hope for the best and pray the almighty for the same. Please remain in touch through this blog and also submit your creative suggestions for the best result. The next line of action will be decided after discussion with Comrade Abhay Singh, Gen Secretary immediately on his return at Jaipur. The programme will be published accordingly.
As per my reliable source, the CR proposals will be get approved from the Uninion Cabinet on 17.10.2013.
With regards & good wishes,
Comradely yours,
B L Meena
AICEIA (Rajasthan Circle)
The true copy of today's representation is published below:-
Dated: 10th October, 2013
          The Commissioner,
          Central Excise Commissionerate,
Respected Sir,
Sub: -Request for creation new Commissionerates in addition to the proposed re-organization of the existing CE Commissionerates in Rajasthan during ongoing Cadre Restructuring to meet out rapidly increasing workload of Service Tax and the increased Customs formations - reg
          With due respect, in continuation to earlier letter dated 30.09.2013 this Association would like to draw your kind attention towards the following additional & important facts for smooth functioning of the administration and common welfare of executive officers working under your caring supervision:-
(a)  As per Cadre Restructuring proposals under letter dated 11th November, 2010, the existing two (2) CE integrated Commissionerates are to be re-organized into four (4) CE integrated Commissionerates consisting model of 80 Superintendent & 120 Inspector.
(b) As per the said proposal, “each of the Central Excise & Service Tax Zones would have one Commissioner (Audit) and one Commissioner (Appeals)”.
(Please peruse page 50 of Cadre Restructuring proposals)
As per staffing model of Audit Commissionerate there will be 80 Superintendents and 80 Inspectors.
(c)  The existing Customs (Prev) Commissionerate of Rajasthan has neither been proposed for re-organization nor been proposed for more strengthen, even in the changed scenario.
2.       As your goodself is aware that during the last 2 years the state of Rajasthan has witnessed a tremendous growth in work of Service Tax, but the manpower has remained unchanged. The executive officers are working under atrocious workload of Service Tax and It will not be out of place to mention here that rapidly increasing workload of Service Tax would be out of control despite of proposed re-organization of existing CE Commissionerates that is why this Association has requested for creation  exclusive Service Tax Commissionerate.
3.       Similarly, after the last Cadre Restructuring-2002, many Customs formations including most sensitive formations like- International Airport, Jaipur and Land Customs Station, Munabao (Barmer) has been increased, but additional staff has not been for smooth functioning & effectively monitoring of these increased Customs formations and temporary arrangement has been made by drawing staff from various Customs preventive formations of existing Customs (Prev) Commissionerate of Rajasthan. As per staffing norms of the said CR proposals, Customs Commissionerates will have 80 Superintendents and 120 Inspectors. Thus, the existing sanctioned strength of Customs (Prev) Commissionerate of Rajasthan will be reduced rather than to increase in light of increased Customs formations. For example – Now, there will only 120 Inspectors against working 158 Inspectors. Thus, creation of new Customs Commissionerate in Rajasthan is the need of the hour otherwise, Customs preventive measures and Customs facilitation work will be affected adversely.
4.       Further, it has gathered from some reliable sources that the proposed Audit Commissionerates are not being sanctioned to each of the Central Excise and Service Tax Zones. It appears that Audit Commissionerates will only be sanctioned on the basis of strong recommendations of the jurisdictional Chief Commissioner and Commissioner. Thus, the overloaded and stagnated members of this Association are under fear of consequences.
5.       Sir, It is worthwhile to mention here that if (i) proposed Audit Commissionerate, (ii) exclusive Service Tax Commissionerate and, (iii) new Customs Commissionerate are not sanctioned in Rajasthan, it will increase the existing system imbalance and adverse affect on the professional output of the officers of this esteemed department, who has been guard of nation’s economic frontiers against all odds. Besides, the stagnated professional as well as administrative growth of the department may indirectly hamper the growth of revenue in Rajasthan.
6.       The workload of Service Tax had already been realized in the proposals of ongoing Cadre Restructuring therefore, this Association would also like to draw you kind attention towards following terms envisaged under Chapter-13 for re-organization of field formations:-
“C.     Norms proposed to be used in current Cadre Restructuring & Reorganization:
 (a)     Central Excise Commissionerates:-
……….   .The Commissionerates located in an area, which is not covered by an exclusive Service Tax Commissionerate, would be provided with the staff equivalent to the staff allocated to one Division exclusively for Service Tax. Additional Staff equivalent to one Range would be provided to the Commissionerates having Oil Refinery under their jurisdiction”.
(Please peruse page 40 of Cadre Restructuring proposals)
7.       In view of above, in case sanction/allocation of Service Tax Commissionerate is not possible for CE (Jaipur Zone) then posts envisaged under aforesaid terms may at least be sanctioned to the CE (Jaipur Zone) to meet out rapidly increasing workload of Service Tax. Thus, CE (Jaipur Zone) is entitled for sanction the posts equivalent to staff of 4 Divisions and 1 Range in addition to staffing norms for proposed re-organizing 4 Central Excise integrated Commissionerates of Rajasthan. 
8.       Sir, the staff position viz-a-viz pity working condition of the executive officers working in Service Tax Division, Jaipur may please be taken into consideration for requirement posts of executive officers. Though, the minimum requirement for Service Tax Division is 10 Superintendents and 20 Inspectors. Similarly in CE Range having jurisdiction over Oil Refinery there may be 2 Superintendents and 6 Inspectors.
9.       In view of above, your kind honor is requested to please get sanctioned/allocated at least 42 (10*4+2) posts of Superintendent and 86 (20*4+6) posts of Inspector separately for possible smooth functioning of Service Tax administration in absence of exclusive Service Tax Commissionerate.
10.    Sir, since the ongoing Cadre Restructuring is being approved by the Union Cabinet shortly therefore, your immediate intervention in this matter is highly solicited for smoothing function of administration as well for justice to the overloaded & stagnated members of this Association. Therefore, being guardian of the Association member, your kind honor is requested to please extend your kind cooperation on our following genuine & justified requests:-
(A)    (i) Safeguard sanction of the proposed Audit Commissionerate in CE(JZ).
         (ii) Creation of new Customs Commissionerate in Rajasthan
        (iii) Creation of exclusive Service Tax Commissionerate in CE (JZ).
(B)     (i)  Safeguard sanction of the proposed Audit Commissionerate in CE(JZ).
          (ii) Creation of new Customs Commissionerate in Rajasthan
(iii) Creation of exclusive Service Tax Commissionerate in CE (JZ).
   (iii) Sanction of above mentioned separate 42 posts of Superintendent and 86 posts of Inspector for Service Tax administration. 
        The Association member shall ever be grateful to you for such kind of justice. Thanking you in anticipation.
Yours sincerely,
Sd/- 10.10.2013
                                                            (BL Meena)
AICEIA (Rajasthan Circle)
Copy for information requesting similar favourable action to:-
1.  The Commissioner of Customs, Jodhpur (Hqrs at Jaipur) in continuation to     earlier letter dated 3rd October, 2013.
2.  The President / Secretary General of the All India Federation.
3.  All Divisional Representatives/Delegates of AICEIA (Rajasthan Circle).
4.  Notice Board / Association’s Blog –
 Sd/- 10.10.2013
AICEIA (Rajasthan Circle)

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