As informed by Comrade B L Meena (President), in previous post, the team of AICEIA (Rajasthan Circle) met with the authorities and made vehement efforts to draw their kind attention towards acute stagnation in Rajasthan. We are regularly perusing our demand that Inspectors upto 2002 batch, must be promoted.
The request submitted before the DGHRD is posted below, if our request is considered the Inspectors upto 2002 batch will get promotion. We are very much hopeful for new Service Tax Commissionerate or additional sanction of posts for service tax. Similarly, we are sure in the matter of Customs Commissionerate because many Zones not having any international border have been proposed Customs Commissioneratae as well as Customs (Prev) Commissionerate whereas we have not given any post for Customs since the last Cadre Restructuring.
The Delegates & Divisional Representatives are requested to get the certificates from their respective DDO about the subscription to AICEIA so that the same may be forwarded to SG AICEIA.
I am thankful to Comrade Alok Mathur (AGS), Comrade Anil Gupta (VP) for their effective cooperation. I also salute Comrade B L Meena (President) for his vigorous efforts in the matter.
sd/- 19.10.2013
Abhay Singh
General Secretary
(Rajasthan Circle) &
Vice-President (North Zone)
All India Association
Dated: 17th October,
Ms Neerja Shah,
The Director General (HRD),
Central Board of Excise & Customs,
409/8, Deep Sikha, Rajendra Place,
New Delhi
[Kind Atten: The Addl Director General
(HRD), New Delhi]
for creation new Commissionerates in addition to the proposed re-organization
of the existing CE Commissionerates in Rajasthan during ongoing Cadre
Restructuring to meet out rapidly increasing workload of Service Tax and the increased
Customs formations - reg
With due respect, this Association would like to draw your
kind attention towards the following brief facts for smooth functioning of the
administration and common welfare of executive officers working under your
caring supervision:-
(a) As per Cadre
Restructuring proposals under letter dated 11th November, 2010, the
existing two (2) CE integrated Commissionerates are to be re-organized into
four (4) CE integrated Commissionerates consisting model of 80 Superintendent
& 120 Inspector.
(b) As per the
said proposal, “each of the Central
Excise & Service Tax Zones would have one Commissioner (Audit) and one
Commissioner (Appeals)”.
(Please peruse page 50 of Cadre Restructuring
(c) The existing
Customs (Prev) Commissionerate of Rajasthan has neither been proposed for
re-organization nor been proposed for more strengthen, despite of considerable
increase in Customs formations.
“C. Norms proposed to be used in
current Cadre Restructuring & Reorganization:
(a) Central Excise Commissionerates:-
………. .The Commissionerates
located in an area, which is not covered by an exclusive Service Tax
Commissionerate, would be provided with the staff equivalent to the staff
allocated to one Division exclusively for Service Tax. Additional Staff
equivalent to one Range would be provided to the Commissionerates having Oil
Refinery under their jurisdiction”.
peruse page 40 of Cadre Restructuring proposals)
8. Madam, the staff position viz-a-viz pity
working condition of the executive officers working in Service Tax Division,
Jaipur may please be taken into consideration for requirement posts of
executive officers. Though, the minimum requirement for Service Tax Division is
10 Superintendents and 20 Inspectors. Similarly in CE Range having jurisdiction
over Oil Refinery there may be 2 Superintendents and 6 Inspectors.
9. In view of above, your kind honor is
requested to please get sanctioned/allocated at least 42 (10*4+2) posts of
Superintendent and 86 (20*4+6) posts of Inspector separately for possible
smooth functioning of Service Tax administration in absence of exclusive
Service Tax Commissionerate.
10. Madam,
this Association has already submitted detailed representations dated
30.09.2013, 03.10.2013 and 10.10.2013 (copies enclosed) to the jurisdictional
Chief Commissioner of Central Excise (Jaipur Zone), Chief Commissioner of
Customs (Prev) Zone, New Delhi and the respective Commissioners of Central
Excise as well as Customs. It is pertinent to mention here that jurisdictional
Cadre Controlling Authority i.e. the Chief Commissioner of Central Excise
(Jaipur Zone) has agreed with our demands and has already forwarded his
judicious recommendations vide letter C.No. II-39(11)CCO/JZ/ET/2011/6941 dated
4.10.2013 to the DGHRD, New Delhi in reply to your letter F.No.
8/B/154/HRD(HRM)/2013 dated 03.09.2013.
11. In view of above, being guardian of the Association member, your kind honor is requested for
sympathetic consideration on our following genuine & justified requests:-
(A) (i) Safeguard sanction of the
proposed Audit Commissionerate in CE(JZ).
(ii) Creation of new Customs
Commissionerate in Rajasthan
Creation of exclusive Service Tax Commissionerate in CE (JZ).
(B) (i) Safeguard sanction of the proposed Audit Commissionerate
in CE(JZ).
(ii) Creation of new Customs Commissionerate in Rajasthan
(iii) Creation of exclusive Service Tax Commissionerate in CE (JZ).
(iii) Creation of exclusive Service Tax Commissionerate in CE (JZ).
(iii) Sanction
of separate posts for proposed four (4) Central Excise integrated
Commissionerates under CE (Jaipur Zone) as per the aforesaid staffing norms for
Service Tax administration.
Encl. As
Sd/- 17.10.2013
AICEIA (Rajasthan Circle)
All India Association
Copy to the Chief Commissioner of Customs (Prev) Zone, New Delhi for information that response on our representations dated 3.10.2013 & 10.10.2013 is still awaited despite of repeated personal requests with the worthy Commissioner & Dy. Commissioner (P&V), Customs Commissionerate, Jodhpur (Hqrs at Jaipur) whereas the Chief Commissioner, Central Excise (Jaipur Zone) & Commissioner, Central Excise, Jaipur-I has already been forwarded our representations alongwith their judicious & favourable recommendations to the Competent Authority. He is requested to please look into the matter personally and to forward our genuine & justified demand alongwith judicious & favourable recommendations looking into gravity of time bound matter.
Sd/- 17.10.2013
AICEIA (Rajasthan Circle)
All India Association
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