Thursday, October 16, 2014

Welcome, Thanks & Congratulations !

Dear Comrades,

AICEIA (Rajasthan Circle) heartily congratulates and welcomes to all colleagues: - (i) those got promotions on 15.10.2014 to the post of Inspectors on implementation of CR, (ii) the Association members, who have been promoted to the grade of Superintendent on 30.09.2014 and, (iii) the Inspector, who joined or are joining shortly in Central Excise (Jaipur Zone) on ICT basis.  
We also take this opportunity to thank all the departing/outgoing members of this Association for their valuable contribution to the growth of this Cadre/Association and requests all of them to please extend continue support also in future in common interest.
Dear Comrades, we have not achieved any remarkable thing, it was overdue and we should not stop fight for our rights.  It is also requested to continue the fight for removal of stagnation and regional disparities in promotion, wherever you are and whatever you are.  By way of our continuous fight and our unbreakable unity, we will achieve the better working atmosphere and better future prospects. 
AICEIA (Rajasthan Circle) wishes all the best for their future assignments.
APPEAL: - All the newly promoted and ICT Inspectors are requested to become member of the Association to strengthen the unity for common interest. Please contact Comrade Manoj Verma, Asstt General Secretary (9414278868) for the membership at the earliest.

Wishing you all grand success in life& career!

Yours comradely,
BL Meena                                                             Abhay Singh
Acting President                                                  General Secretary

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