Dear Comrades,
During meeting dated 29th September, 2014 held in
chairmanship of the Chief Commissioner (Jaipur Zone) it was informed to the
Associations that as per guidelines of the Board’s letter dated 22.09.2014
the Hqrs of Audit Commissionerate will be at Jaipur and 6-7 Audit Circles will
be created out of Jaipur under jurisdiction of respective CE Commissionerates.
Friends –
If Hqrs of proposed Audit Circles are created out of Jaipur station then there
will acute shortage of posts of executive officers at Jaipur. Once an executive
officer is transferred out of Jaipur he will have rare chances for returning at
Jaipur station to perform family responsibilities. Therefore, looking into
average age of executive officers vis-à-vis their family responsibilities proposal
of Hqrs of Audit Circles out of Jaipur was objected on the spot by this
Association and requested with reasoned submissions for operating all Circles
from Jaipur station in common interest of the Association members and for
smooth functioning of the administration. The Hon’ble Chief Commissioner has
constituted a committee in r/o working of Audit Circles in supervision of Shri
R.K. Mishra, Additional Commissioner.
Association met with the In-charge as well as Members of the said Committee on
08.10.2014 and presented problems of the Association members as well as
suggestions for smooth functioning of all Audit Circles from Jaipur station.
In this
regard a letter has also been written to the In-charge of the said Committee,
copy of the same is posted below for your kind information and further
Note:- Comrade BL Meena (now Superintendent), being an experienced President of this Association, will continue work as Acting President until election/nomination of new office bearers.
Please remain united and hopeful for the judicious decision.
Yours comradely,
Please remain united and hopeful for the judicious decision.
Yours comradely,
General Secretary
Dated: 08th October, 2014
Shri R.K. Mishra,
I/C of Committee for functioning of
Audit Circles/Groups,
The Additional Commissioner
Central Excise Commissionerate,
Sub: Request for retention of Hqrs of all Audit
Circles/Groups at Jaipur –
Respected Sir,
Please recall our submissions submitted
during the meeting dated 29th September, 2014 held in Chairmanship
of the worthy Chief Commissioner and discussion held with your kind honour on 8th
October, 2014 on the above subject.
2. This Association again submits that Hqrs of
Audit Commissionerate and its all Circles offices of different jurisdictions
may please be retained at Jaipur. The
supporting facts of our genuine demand are as under:-
(i) In the Board’s letter No. 985/09/2014-CEX
dated 22.09.2014 it has also been mentioned that “guidelines may be followed
while finalizing the location and organizational structure of Audit
Commissionerate and its subordinate offices, subject to deviations needed to
cater to the local requirements.”
(ii) As per the Board’s guidelines contained in
the said letter, a monthly Monitoring Committee Meeting (MCM) of Audit
Group/Circles is to be conducted in O/o the Commissioner of Audit at Jaipur
with the executive Commissioners. If the Hqrs of Circles is retained at Jaipur,
the Audit Groups/Circles can attend the meeting conveniently and without any
burden of TA & DA.
(iii) The Para raised during the course of audit
are to be discussed & finalized at Hqrs level. Such discussions requires
frequent visit of Hqrs office by the executive officers of Audit Groups/Circles.
Subsequently, SCNs are also to be issued by the competent authorities of Audit
Hqrs, Jaipur. It will also involve movement of executive officers alongwith
bulky files & relied upon documents.
(iv) The executive officers of Circle offices are
supposed to be well acquainted/conversant with paras raised by the AG (Audit) for
detailed examination of identical issues raised during course of audit in r/o
of jurisdiction of their Audit Circles. Since, the records related to LAR paras
would be maintained at Hqrs level, it would be convenient for the executive officers
of Circle/Group, if their Hqrs is retained at Jaipur.
(v) The work of audit is not of stationery
nature and the executive officers have to move for audit from one place to
another. In such a situation, the officers to be posted in Audit Group/Circles
would like to opt to retain their families at Jaipur, which is a metropolitan
city well equipped with educational and medical facilities etc.
(vi) Most of the Divisions offices of other
Commissionerates are nearer to Jaipur in comparison to Hqrs of its respective
Commissionerates. For example Kota is nearby Jaipur in comparison to jurisdictional
Hqrs of Commissionerate, Udaipur. Similarly, Sikar/Bikaner Divisions of Jodhpur
Commissionerate are nearby Jaipur in comparison to jurisdictional Hqrs of Commissionerate,
(vii) On retention the Hqrs of Audit Circles/Groups
at Jaipur a large number of executive officers can be posted at Jaipur, which
will ultimately save fund of the Government on a/c of transfer & posting.
(a) Number of Audit Circles/Groups may please be
created as per convinces of the administration in jurisdiction of each CE
Commissionerate considering workload vis-à-vis availability of Superintendent
& Inspector, but the jurisdiction may please be common for all Audit
Circles/Groups (if more than one Circles/Group are created in jurisdiction of a
particular CE Commissionerate). It will in the principal of equal exposure to
all executive officers.
(b) Audit Groups may please be provided official
Laptop with internet facilities and printer. Further, all executive officers
may please be provided official cell phones as it will help in improving
quality of audit work as well as in fast completion/disposal of the assigned
(c) At least one Inspector should necessarily be
deployed in each Audit Group.
3. Sir, in view of above retention Hqrs of all
Audit Circles at Jaipur station is justified in light of common interest of
executive officers and it will ultimately support in smooth functioning of the
(Abhay Singh)
Copy for information & necessary action
1. The
Commissioner of Central Excise, Jaipur-I.
2. The
Commissioner of Central Excise, Jaipur-II.
3. The General Secretary, Superintendent’s
Association, Rajasthan Unit,Jaipur.
4. Notice
Board/Association’s website.
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