Dear Comrades,
2. Anil Gupta -Vice President
3. Alok Mathur -Asstt General Secretary
4. S.K. Bhagat -Office Secretary
On this occasion, my few words are as under:-
(1) To prove existence of the Association,
(2) To strengthen the unity by increasing membership,
Long Live AICEIA (Rajasthan Circle) Long Live AICEIA !
Forever yours fraternally,
Today i.e. 30-09-2014, as a result of DPC of Cadre restructuring, the following
office bearers of AICEIA (Rajasthan Circle) have been promoted to the grade of
1. BL Meena -President2. Anil Gupta -Vice President
3. Alok Mathur -Asstt General Secretary
4. S.K. Bhagat -Office Secretary
On this occasion, my few words are as under:-
It has been a great privilege to champion the cadre’s causes since
September, 2013 when our present team was elected and taken over charge in
critical condition.
Our main objectives were:-(1) To prove existence of the Association,
(2) To strengthen the unity by increasing membership,
(3) To remove communication gap among office bearers and members of
the Association.
(4) To take up the regional issues/grievances promptly &
effectively for immediate redressal.
(5) To raise the united voice for justice with Inspectors of Rajasthan
before the Board’s various Authorities/Committees during finalisation of the
Cadre review proposals and implementation thereof.
(6) To remove/decrease prevailing acute stagnation by creation more
Commissionerate/posts in Rajasthan,
(7) To remove regional disparity in promotion by All India Seniority
of our Cadre.
I have no hesitation to mention here that
our team have achieved all the above objectives, and having fulfilled the
promise made to our fraternity, except the objective mentioned at (7). It is
the result of the relentless efforts by our united team.
Friends – Though, our genuine demand to remove regional disparity
in promotion by All India Seniority of our Cadre is relates with our All India
Federation, but it is a material fact that we have contributed out efforts in
effective manners. There is hardly a door which we haven't knocked in pursuit
of solutions to this chronic and extremely vexing problem.
We have to continue to employ all our means to ensure that All
India Seniority must be ensured for all Inspectors even recruited on the basis
of an All India Merit List. Over the past year and a half this Committee has
left no stone unturned to eliminate the shameful disparities that exist among
different Zones in promotions of Central Excise Inspectors to Superintendents.
I thank every single Central Excise Inspector, blog
viewers/followers of the country for their unstinted support and all the love
they showered on me.
Our beloved Comrades S/Shri Abhay Singh -General Secretary, Anil
Gupta –Vice President, Manoj Verma –Asstt General Secretary, Alok Mathur –Asstt
General Secretary, Akshay Sharma –Joint Secretary, S.K. Bhagat –Office
Secretary and N.K. Meena devoted
time and energy in immense measure and toiled tirelessly to take
the Association forward - the organisation therefore, I, personally, hugely
grateful to them.
I request all of you to please
continue support to my brotherly comrade Abhay Singh, who is really an energetic
General Secretary and capable to fulfil/achieve the remaining goals.
It has been a wonderful
journey together. In future, I shall always be available to extend my
cooperation & service for the Cadre.
Jai Hind – Jai Bharat.Long Live AICEIA (Rajasthan Circle) Long Live AICEIA !
Forever yours fraternally,
We have also submitted Association's suggestions on the revised Transfer Policy consequent upon increase of Commissionerates from 3 to 6. A copy of suggestions is posted below:-
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