Friday, March 7, 2014

Little Hope of Justice

Dear Comrades/Friends,

Today, we met with Shri S.B. Singh, the CBEC's new Member - Central Excise (ex-CC of Jaipur Zone) and submitted folder (containing all relevant documents) for ready reference appraising him about attitude of competent authorities of the Board vis-a-vis possible increase in regional disparity in promotion during implementation of Cadre Restructuring.
During farewell ceremony of the Hon’ble Member of CBEC, the Commissioner of CE –Jaipur-I, Comrade Sushil Pareek, General Secretary of Superintendents' Association and Abhay Singh, General Secretary of Inspectors’ Association have drawn his kind attention to safeguard the common interest of our stagnated & discriminated Cadre.

Shri Singh - the Member in his blessing speech acknowledged the tireless efforts of our Association and assured to do his best possible efforts also at the Board level for justice with our Cadre. He also advised the Commissioner, Jaipur-I for Delhi visit and to appraise him about present status of the justified demands of the Association and the same  has been noted by the Commissioner for immediate compliance.
This Association shall ever be grateful for such a great response of the Member & Commissioner and hope for some improvement in the present adverse situation.

Thus, we have a little hope of justice as the present proposals/decisions of Committees for implementation of the CR are yet to be examined & approved by the full Board meeting. We are also planning to adopt some other effective steps in remaining short period for betterment of the Cadre.
Note: - The date of earlier proposed emergency General Body meeting will be informed by Comrade Abhay Singh, General Secretary.

Yours Comradely,
BL Meena                                                                         


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