Dated: 18th March, 2014
Circular for General Body Meeting
All the Inspectors of Rajasthan are hereby
informed that the Association’s general election and general body meeting of
whole Rajasthan Circle were held on 22nd September, 2013 therefore, as
per the constitution of All India Central Excise Inspectors’ Association
(AICEIA), the prescribed half yearly General Body meeting of whole Rajasthan
Circle will be held on 22nd
March, 2014 (Saturday) at Hotel
Gangaur, M.I. Road, Jaipur. The meeting shall
commence at 10.00 A.M. sharp and conclude by 5.00 P.M. on the same day.
Agenda: -
1. Tabling of Action Taken Report (ATR) by General Secretary.
2. Discussion on ATR.
3. Discussion & consensus on line of action for all India seniority of
Inspectors during Cadre Restructuring.
4. Discussion & consensus on line of action against proposed relaxation
in qualifying service without removing regional disparity in promotion during
Cadre Restructuring.
5. Necessary amendments in Transfer Policy.
6. Any other point with permission of the Chair.
All the Office Bearers,
Delegates, Divisional Representatives
and all
Inspectors (legal members of
AICEIA-Rajasthan Circle) of Customs, Central Excise & Service Tax formations of Rajasthan are hereby
invited in the meeting with request to attend the same without fail repeat
without fail.
(1) All the Divisional Representatives are requested
to obtain united views/consensus on the
burning issues through general body meeting at division level and ensure their
presence well in time in the important meeting alongwith one colleague.
(2) They are also requested to confirm their journey
programme & arrival by mail/mobile/sms by 21.03.2014 positively to the
undersigned or S/Shri B L Meena, President (97846-57055) or Manoj Verma, Asstt
Gen Secretary (94142-78868).
(3) The agenda points will be discussed during pre
Lunch session and other points will be discussed during post Lunch session.
Sd/- 18.3.2014
(Abhay Singh)
Copy for information & necessary action
1. The Chief Commissioner of Central Excise
(JZ) / The Commissioner of Central Excise, Jaipur-I / Jaipur-II / The
Commissioner of Customs, Jaipur.
2. The Secretary General of All
India Central Excise Inspectors’ Federation.
3. All Divisional Representatives of all
Customs/Central Excise/Service Tax Division.
4. Association’s blog at
Sd/- 18.3.2014
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