Friday, March 14, 2014

Tireless Efforts....Continues

Dear Comrades,

Despite of earlier stated adverse situation, We alongwith Comrades- Anil Gupta -Vice President, Manoj Verma –Asstt General Secretary and, N.K. Meena again visited Delhi on 13th & 14th March in continuation to our all out efforts for justice with Inspectors of Rajasthan.
Our Federation continuously making pressure on the CBEC for the real justice and we are also in touch with Secretary General.

During this visit we have used our all possible resources repeat all possible resources and made our final effective efforts before the competent authorities. Now, we are fond hope of positive results of efforts, but have to pursue the same until final outcome. The efforts & progress will be discussed only in coming meeting.

Friends – The efforts are continues, but please be united & ready for all possible action in case the justice is denied by the Board.

We are also planning to organize GENERAL BODY Meeting of Rajasthan, wherein Association members, Office bearers, Delegates, and Divisional Representatives will be participated. The date, venue & programme are being finalized and will be posted/intimated shortly.

Note:- We are also doing our best to declare Service Tax Ranges as non-sensitive charges. Your cooperation is also required therefore, please remain in touch.
Yours Comradely,

BL Meena                                                              Abhay Singh
PRESIDENT                                               GENERAL SECRETARY

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