Thursday, March 6, 2014

DELHI VISIT - Meetings with Authorities

Dear Comrades - Good morning

We have visited Delhi on 5.3.2014 and any how managed appointment from the top brass authorities of the CBEC for official meeting despite of their busy schedule of DPC (at Mumbai) & Cadre Restructuring work. During our meeting with the (1) Chairperson, (2) Member (P&V), (3) Member (Zonal Incharge of Jaipur Zone), (4) new Member Shri S.B. Singh, (5) DG (HRD) and, (6) DG, DRI (the Chairperson of Committee of Operation Issues for implementation of CR) we lodged our protest alongwith reasoned submissions against reduction of CE Commissionerates from 4 to 3 too without consultation/knowledge of the jurisdictional Chief Commissioner of CE (Jaipur Zone). We are fond hope that the Board authorities will never forget our united voice of protection.
Friends - We are still committed for the all possible steps/action for justice with our stagnated & discriminated Cadre. The details of meetings & possibilities will be appraised/discussed in General Body Meeting.
Yours Comradely,
BL Meena                                                                          Abhay Singh
PRESIDENT                                                               GENERAL SECRETARY

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Chandra shekhar said...
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