Friday, December 20, 2013

Unity proved - Resolution passed to struggle for Sucess

Dear Comrades,
Today, we are very happy that due to ongoing tireless efforts by the Association team since from the day of election-2013, the Association members proved historical unity as during our career, we had never seen such type of gathering & awareness in any general body meeting of our department Association. We, heartily wishes all of you for a bright & successful career.

The colleagues, who missed today’s General Body Meeting, are requested to ensure their presence in next meeting positively. The colleagues, who have not yet got membership, are also requested to become Association member in self interest as well as in common interest. We are going to publish to publish list of the legal member shortly.

The efforts & progress of Association team appreciated by all the present members and shown great desire to extend any type of cooperation to remove stagnation & disparity in promotion during implementation of ongoing Cadre Restructuring. The Association members, Office bearers, Delegates & Divisional representatives showed their “DO OR DIE” commitment in common interest as they have passed & signed “Resolution for Agitation” during the meeting.

Dear Comrades – the real struggle starts now for success therefore, please be united & always be ready to extend your cooperation immediately on call of the Association.
(Update:-Please also see blog of AIACEGEO wherein Shri Loknath Mishra, President has also made the above same appeal at the end of today's publication dt 21.12.13)
With regards,

 BL Meena                           Abhay Singh
PRESIDENT                        GENERAL SECRETARY

Copy of resolution:-
Dated: 20th December, 2013

Resolution for Agitation
We, the undersigned Inspectors (Association members) attended today’s General Body Meeting in Headquarters Office, Jaipur. The office bearers of AICEIA (Rajasthan Circle) had already made sincere efforts through representations & verbal submissions before the Administration i.e. the Chief Commissioner of Jaipur Zone (Cadre Controlling Authority), the Chairperson, Member (P&V) & DG (HRD) CBEC, New Delhi for smooth functioning in Customs, Central Excise & Service Tax formations of Rajasthan and to remove acute stagnation & regional disparity in promotion during implementation of ongoing Cadre Restructuring. The Jaipur Zone is the 2nd most stagnated and dispirited as Inspectors of 1991 batch is still waiting for 1st promotion in Rajasthan whereas Inspectors of 2002 batch have already been promoted in other CE Zones.

As per proposals of ongoing Cadre Restructuring the existing 2 CE Commissionerates are being re-organised into 4 CE Commissionerates alongwith 1 Audit Commissionerate without proposing re-organising the existing Customs (Prev) Commissionerate of Rajasthan. Looking into the topography of Rajasthan State, increased Customs formations and rapidly spreading workload of Service Tax, the Association raised genuine & justified demands for (i) creation of new Customs Commissionerate and, (ii) creation exclusive Service Tax Commissionerate in Rajasthan. The Chief Commissioner (Jaipur Zone), after detail examination, agreed with our genuine & justified demands and forwarded to the DG (HRD), New Delhi alongwith recommendations for consideration. 

During recent developments of the CBEC, DGHRD & attitude of designated Committees, it appears that our aforesaid demands are not being considered judiciously & sympathetically despite of requirement & recommendations of the jurisdictional Cadre Controlling Authority. Further, it also appears that the earlier proposed staffing norms of 80 Superintendents for each re-organised Commissionerate is also being reduced.

In view of above, we hereby resolved that if our above demands are not considered by the competent authority while notifying the field formations alongwith sanctioned strength for implementation of the ongoing Cadre Restructuring, we will have no option except to adopt the agitation programmes including continuously ‘Hunger Strike’ immediately on issuance of the said awaited notification

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