Monday, December 23, 2013

Compliance & Update

Dear Comrades,
In compliance of mandate of the General Body:-

(i)     The resolution for agitation was sent to President and Secretary General of our Federation on 20.12.2013 evening requesting immediate action to remove stagnation & regional disparity on any cost during implementation of CR. I have also suggested them to call an emergency CEC meeting of the Federation at Jaipur at this crucial stage of CR implementation.
The requisite response is still awaited therefore, our GS will intervene in the matter as he is also holding post of VP (NZ) in the Federation.

(ii)    All the Office Bearers, Hqrs Delegates & Divisional Representatives vide mail dated 20.12.2013 have been requested to make 100% membership through special companion upto 15.01.2014. As suggested, the list of members will be published & submitted on 20.01.2014 positively.

In view of above, all the colleagues, who missed from membership during July-August, 2013, are again requested to join the Association to strengthen the Association in individual & common interest. The prescribed forms are available with all aforesaid office bearers.

Latest developments of the DGHRD:-

The ADG (HRD) vide letter dt 12.12.2013 asked all the Cadre Controlling Authorities about year-wise numbers of Group ‘B’ Non-Gazetted Officer awaiting promotion to the grade of Group ‘B’ Gazetted Officer for examination the possibility of all india seniority list.

Dear Comrade – If the DGHRD is actually committed/intended to prepare the integrated all india seniority list, then it is not an impossible work and we are also ready to extend our utmost cooperation to get the equity at par with our counterparts.

I personally have doubt on the intention of the DGHRD as well as of our counterparts that is why that I’m of the opinion that this exercise of DGHRD is nothing except to divert our attention from our regular demands/pressure  for fair allocation of Commissionerates & manpower to remove the stagnation and disparity.

In view of above, an Executive Body meeting is being called shortly for careful examination and our further steps.

Please have a close watch on each & every development & consequent effect on our career.

With regards & awaiting your comments.

BL Meena

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