Monday, December 16, 2013

CR 2014 - Tireless efforts of the Association team

Dear Comrades,
On the basis of possible result oriented homework the Association team succeeded in obtaining the best cooperation & recommendations from the CC (JZ) & Commissioner. After approval of CR by the Cabinet, our GS - Shri Abhay Singh stayed in Delhi during last week and collected some important relevant information and Shri Manoj Verma, Asstt Gen Secretary also reached Delhi and extend cooperation to our GS during the meeting of our All India Association held in Delhi on 15.12.2015.
The both office bearers effectively placed our genuine & justified demands for removal of stagnation & disparity and convinced the AICEIA for cooperation.
Now, I alongwith GS Shri Abhay Singh leaving for Delhi on 17.12.2013 morning for meeting with the DG (HRD) & other competent authorities of the CBEC and empowered Committees. During 2nd round discussion, we will try our best efforts to get maximum posts for promotion during implementation of CR-2014.
After Delhi visit, We are also planning a General Body meeting to obtain your suggestions and to decide further line of action if the justice is denied by the Board.
Please be ready for coming General Body meeting alongwith effective, creative & result oriented suggestions and possible lines of action in common interest of our Cadre.
With best wishes,
BL Meena

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