Tuesday, December 31, 2013

New Year Wishes


 Dear Comrades,

Wish all of you a very-very HAPPY & PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR -2014.
The almighty may fulfill all your dezires with joy.
With regards,
BL Meena

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Executive Body Meeting on 30.12.2013

All the Office Bearers & Delegates of Hqrs
AICEIA (Rajasthan Circle)
Dear Comrades,
An Executive Body Meeting of the Association will be held on 30.12.2013 (Monday) at 1.30 pm in the Association Room, Hqrs Office, Jaipur.
All of you are requested to please attend the meeting without fail.
With regards,

BL Meena                           Abhay Singh
PRESIDENT                        GENERAL SECRETARY

Membership Drive to strengthen the Association


All the Office Bearers, Delegates of Hqrs & Divisional Representatives
AICEIA (Rajasthan Circle)

Dear Comrades,

Please refer to my mail dated 20.12.2013, which is published here your ready reference:-

"Please find attached copy of Membership Form for special companion drive to increase strength of our Association.

You are requested to please complete the following steps/task on priority basis latest by 15th January, 2014:-

1. Please check/find out of names of the Inspectors under your Commissionerate/Division, who have not yet become member of the Association during the last companion in July-August, 2013. In this regard you may obtain information from your DDO/Pay Section and can also consult with Shri Abhay Singh –GS (9414202902)/ Shri Manoj Verma –AGS (9414278868)/Shri S.N. Sutrakar –Finance Secretary (9887821170) of our Association.

2. Please request & convince such Inspectors for membership of Association to strengthen our unity in self interest as well as in common interest. If anyone having some confusion or mis-understanding about the Association or its Office Bearers then please arrange his telephone discussion with Shri Abhay Singh –GS or me.

3.  Please provide copy of membership form and receive complete form from him duly filled & signed in duplicate. Then Cut “Letter of authorization” portion from only one original form and submit the same to your DDO/AO under your signed covering letter. A copy of specimen letter is also enclosed herewith.

4.  It has been reported by some Inspectors that they are old members of our Association and monthly subscription of Rs. 40/- is being deducted from their salary. If so, please convince such colleagues and obtain new membership form from him for deduction subscription of Rs. 60/- per month.

5.  Please forward list of new members alongwith remaining portion of duplicate membership forms personally/through messenger to Shri Manoj Verma, Assistant General Secretary, AICEIA (Rajasthan Circle), who is posted in Vigilance Branch of CE Hqrs, Jaipur-II.

6.  Please also submit your complete achievement report alongwith list of all the Association members (whose subscription is actually being deducted from their salary in favour of the Association) to the undersigned at “meenablal@gmail.com” latest by 15th January, 2014. The final list of legal members will be published & forwarded on 20th January, 2014.

7.  During the last JCM, all the DDO have been directed to deduct monthly subscription of the Association members against their undertaking of membership and to forward the same in bank account of the Association.

8.   In view of above you are requested to ensure from your DDO that monthly subscription from salary of all the Association members are being deducted and forwarded to the Association’s A/c No. 11074898552 in State Bank of India, NCRB, Jaipur. After membership companion, please obtain DDO Certificate from your DDO and send the same to Shri Manoj Kumar Verma, Asstt General Secretary latest by 15.01.2014 under intimation to me."

I shall be grateful to you for an early cooperation in common interest.

With regards,

BL Meena

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

News of Press Conference published in today's Dainik Bhaskar

Please be united & extend your utmost cooperation for the justice.
With regards,
BL Meena
AICEIA (Rajasthan Circle)
comments received through mail:-
Dear BL Meena ji
Good action and it is right time for justice
Koneru Prabhakara Rao,
Ex-Secretary General of the Inspectors' Federation

Monday, December 23, 2013

Compliance & Update

Dear Comrades,
In compliance of mandate of the General Body:-

(i)     The resolution for agitation was sent to President and Secretary General of our Federation on 20.12.2013 evening requesting immediate action to remove stagnation & regional disparity on any cost during implementation of CR. I have also suggested them to call an emergency CEC meeting of the Federation at Jaipur at this crucial stage of CR implementation.
The requisite response is still awaited therefore, our GS will intervene in the matter as he is also holding post of VP (NZ) in the Federation.

(ii)    All the Office Bearers, Hqrs Delegates & Divisional Representatives vide mail dated 20.12.2013 have been requested to make 100% membership through special companion upto 15.01.2014. As suggested, the list of members will be published & submitted on 20.01.2014 positively.

In view of above, all the colleagues, who missed from membership during July-August, 2013, are again requested to join the Association to strengthen the Association in individual & common interest. The prescribed forms are available with all aforesaid office bearers.

Latest developments of the DGHRD:-

The ADG (HRD) vide letter dt 12.12.2013 asked all the Cadre Controlling Authorities about year-wise numbers of Group ‘B’ Non-Gazetted Officer awaiting promotion to the grade of Group ‘B’ Gazetted Officer for examination the possibility of all india seniority list.

Dear Comrade – If the DGHRD is actually committed/intended to prepare the integrated all india seniority list, then it is not an impossible work and we are also ready to extend our utmost cooperation to get the equity at par with our counterparts.

I personally have doubt on the intention of the DGHRD as well as of our counterparts that is why that I’m of the opinion that this exercise of DGHRD is nothing except to divert our attention from our regular demands/pressure  for fair allocation of Commissionerates & manpower to remove the stagnation and disparity.

In view of above, an Executive Body meeting is being called shortly for careful examination and our further steps.

Please have a close watch on each & every development & consequent effect on our career.

With regards & awaiting your comments.

BL Meena

Friday, December 20, 2013

Unity proved - Resolution passed to struggle for Sucess

Dear Comrades,
Today, we are very happy that due to ongoing tireless efforts by the Association team since from the day of election-2013, the Association members proved historical unity as during our career, we had never seen such type of gathering & awareness in any general body meeting of our department Association. We, heartily wishes all of you for a bright & successful career.

The colleagues, who missed today’s General Body Meeting, are requested to ensure their presence in next meeting positively. The colleagues, who have not yet got membership, are also requested to become Association member in self interest as well as in common interest. We are going to publish to publish list of the legal member shortly.

The efforts & progress of Association team appreciated by all the present members and shown great desire to extend any type of cooperation to remove stagnation & disparity in promotion during implementation of ongoing Cadre Restructuring. The Association members, Office bearers, Delegates & Divisional representatives showed their “DO OR DIE” commitment in common interest as they have passed & signed “Resolution for Agitation” during the meeting.

Dear Comrades – the real struggle starts now for success therefore, please be united & always be ready to extend your cooperation immediately on call of the Association.
(Update:-Please also see blog of AIACEGEO wherein Shri Loknath Mishra, President has also made the above same appeal at the end of today's publication dt 21.12.13)
With regards,

 BL Meena                           Abhay Singh
PRESIDENT                        GENERAL SECRETARY

Copy of resolution:-
Dated: 20th December, 2013

Resolution for Agitation
We, the undersigned Inspectors (Association members) attended today’s General Body Meeting in Headquarters Office, Jaipur. The office bearers of AICEIA (Rajasthan Circle) had already made sincere efforts through representations & verbal submissions before the Administration i.e. the Chief Commissioner of Jaipur Zone (Cadre Controlling Authority), the Chairperson, Member (P&V) & DG (HRD) CBEC, New Delhi for smooth functioning in Customs, Central Excise & Service Tax formations of Rajasthan and to remove acute stagnation & regional disparity in promotion during implementation of ongoing Cadre Restructuring. The Jaipur Zone is the 2nd most stagnated and dispirited as Inspectors of 1991 batch is still waiting for 1st promotion in Rajasthan whereas Inspectors of 2002 batch have already been promoted in other CE Zones.

As per proposals of ongoing Cadre Restructuring the existing 2 CE Commissionerates are being re-organised into 4 CE Commissionerates alongwith 1 Audit Commissionerate without proposing re-organising the existing Customs (Prev) Commissionerate of Rajasthan. Looking into the topography of Rajasthan State, increased Customs formations and rapidly spreading workload of Service Tax, the Association raised genuine & justified demands for (i) creation of new Customs Commissionerate and, (ii) creation exclusive Service Tax Commissionerate in Rajasthan. The Chief Commissioner (Jaipur Zone), after detail examination, agreed with our genuine & justified demands and forwarded to the DG (HRD), New Delhi alongwith recommendations for consideration. 

During recent developments of the CBEC, DGHRD & attitude of designated Committees, it appears that our aforesaid demands are not being considered judiciously & sympathetically despite of requirement & recommendations of the jurisdictional Cadre Controlling Authority. Further, it also appears that the earlier proposed staffing norms of 80 Superintendents for each re-organised Commissionerate is also being reduced.

In view of above, we hereby resolved that if our above demands are not considered by the competent authority while notifying the field formations alongwith sanctioned strength for implementation of the ongoing Cadre Restructuring, we will have no option except to adopt the agitation programmes including continuously ‘Hunger Strike’ immediately on issuance of the said awaited notification

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

General Body Meeting to decide further line of action for justice

Dear Comrades,

We have visited Delhi on 17.12.2013 and discussed with various authorities of the empowered Committees constituted for implementation of the ongoing CR – 2014. The gist of visit/discussion is as under:-

(i)    The notification is under process to notify re-organized field formations /Commissionerates alongwith geographical jurisdiction under the various zones.

 (ii)   The total numbers of posts sanctioned by the Union Cabinet will also be notified under the said notification, but Commissionerate-wise sanctioned strength will be notified separately on receipt of reports from the designated Committee (s).

 (iii)  We have reiterated our submissions to remove stagnation and regional disparity and requested that Inspectors upto batch of 2002 should be upgraded to the grade of Superintendent. The authorities heard us patiently and assured to do their best for the justice.

 (iv)  On the basis of tireless efforts, now we can say that one CE Audit Commissionerate will not be curtailed and the same will be sanctioned to CE (Jaipur Zone) in addition to two (2) new CE Commissionerates. The fate of our demand for (i) new Customs Commissionerate and, (ii) Service Tax Commissionerate is not known till date.

 Though, we are doing our all out efforts to get at least one Customs/Service Tax Commissionerate (or additional posts of Superintendent equivalent to one Commissionerate) in Rajasthan to remove the prevailing acute stagnation.

 (v)   During discussion it has been noticed that the authorities are not ready to discuss on staffing norms/model of the Commissionerates/field formations. It appears that they are under direction to maintain secrecy on this aspect that is why that we are not assured that stagnation/disparity will be removed from our cadre during implementation of the CR-2014.

        In view of above, we have decided that a General Body Meeting or our Association will be held on 20.12.2013 (Friday) at 1.30 pm in Lawn in front of the Customs & Central Excise Hqrs Office, Jaipur to decide further line of action if the justice is ignored by the Board.

         All the Inspectors, Office Bearers, Delegates and Divisional Representatives are hereby requested to please attend the GB meeting alongwith effective, creative & result oriented suggestions in common interest of our Cadre and make the meeting successful.

 Please remember that (i) the unity is the need of hour and, (ii) ABHI NAHI TO KABHI NAHI.

With regards,
BL Meena                           Abhay Singh
PRESIDENT                        GENERAL SECRETARY          

Monday, December 16, 2013

CR 2014 - Tireless efforts of the Association team

Dear Comrades,
On the basis of possible result oriented homework the Association team succeeded in obtaining the best cooperation & recommendations from the CC (JZ) & Commissioner. After approval of CR by the Cabinet, our GS - Shri Abhay Singh stayed in Delhi during last week and collected some important relevant information and Shri Manoj Verma, Asstt Gen Secretary also reached Delhi and extend cooperation to our GS during the meeting of our All India Association held in Delhi on 15.12.2015.
The both office bearers effectively placed our genuine & justified demands for removal of stagnation & disparity and convinced the AICEIA for cooperation.
Now, I alongwith GS Shri Abhay Singh leaving for Delhi on 17.12.2013 morning for meeting with the DG (HRD) & other competent authorities of the CBEC and empowered Committees. During 2nd round discussion, we will try our best efforts to get maximum posts for promotion during implementation of CR-2014.
After Delhi visit, We are also planning a General Body meeting to obtain your suggestions and to decide further line of action if the justice is denied by the Board.
Please be ready for coming General Body meeting alongwith effective, creative & result oriented suggestions and possible lines of action in common interest of our Cadre.
With best wishes,
BL Meena

Thursday, December 5, 2013



Comrades - The real struggle starts now....   ... ... for justice & parity with our counterparts. Be united and ready to extend your valuable cooperation AS OUR UNITY IS THE NEED OF THE HOUR.
The Association team is committed for all out efforts to achieve the parity/goal...  ......   .....   ...... Please also go through our post published on 03.12.2013.

Please also submit suggestions / points latest by 10.12.2013 so that the same can be included in the agenda of quarterly JCM, to be held on 24.12.2013 .

With regards,
BL Meena

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Latest status of CR - Need of unity to get justice/parity

Dear Comrades,
Good evening.

It has been learnt from reliable sources that the Cabinet note for approval of ongoing Cadre Restructuring is at final stage and the same is likely to be approved on 05.12.2013 (Thursday) by the Caninet. As per the sources, the requisite notification is also likely to be issued within December, 2013.

Looking into the final stage of approval, the DGHRD has constituted following six (6) Committees for implementation of the Cadre Restructuring:- (i) Core Committee, (ii) Committee on conduct of DPC, (iii) Committee on Operational Issues, (iv) Committee on Recruitment Rules, (v) Committee on Technical Matters (vi) Committee on Infrastructure.

Shri R.K. Singh, Chief Commissioner & Dr. Sandeep Srivastav, the Commissioner of CE, Jaipur-I are members of the Core Committee. Similarly, Shri B.K. Bansal, Chief Commissioner & Shri O.P. Dadhich, Commissioner are members of Committee on Operational Issues. The aforesaid officers are well conversant with our promotional disparity as well as with adverse working conditions that is why we can hope a ray of justice during implementation of the CR.

As per the said sources, the earlier proposals for creation of new field formations or staffing norms are not the final and the same appears to be changed/modified by the CBEC after requisite approval by the Cabinet during implementation of CR.

We have already completed all possible homework to get justice & better career opportunities during implementation of the CR as we have discussed all our grievances with the competent authorities and submitted detailed representations. The next round of discussions will be held with the competent authorities immediately on approval of the CR.

In addition to the proposed 2 new CE Commissionerates, we have to do our all out efforts on the following genuine & justified demands to remove/reduce the stagnation of our Cadre:-

(A) (i) Creation of Audit Commissionerate in CE(JZ) as per the norms.
                   (ii) Creation of exclusive Service Tax Commissionerate in CE (JZ).
              (iii) Creation of new Customs Commissionerate in Rajasthan.

(B) (i)  Creation of Audit Commissionerate in CE(JZ) as per the norms.
                   (ii) Creation of exclusive Service Tax Commissionerate in CE (JZ).
             Sanction of separate 42 posts of Superintendent and 86 posts of Inspector for Service Tax administration as per the norms.
      (iii) Creation of new Customs Commissionerate in Rajasthan.
Sanction sufficient posts for International Airport, Jaipur and   LCS, Munabao.
Dear Comrades – Please remember that “Nobody can give you freedom. Nobody can give you equality or justice or anything. If you’re a man, you take it”

 Therefore, all Association members are requested to please be united & ready to our all out efforts/action to get the justice & quality. The rest will be discussed in the general body meeting shortly.

With regards & good wishes,

Comradely Yours,
B L Meena,

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Be united for possible struggle for justice

Dear Comrades,

Update News
It is being learnt that the Cabinet Note forwarded by CBEC relating to approval of cadre restructuring proposals of CBEC  has been finally prepared/ approved  on 26.11.2013 by Cabinet Secretary, but due to our ill luck Cabinet  Secretariate could not allot  time slot in a short time  for approval of CR of  CBEC  in the cabinet meeting  held on  28.11.2013 . It is expected that CR of CBEC may likely to be approved in the next cabinet meeting on 05.12.2013.
Further, it has also learnt that looking into final position of CR, the CBEC has constituted a CR implementation Committee including Dr Sandeep Srivastava, Commissioner (CE JPR-I) as a member of the said committee.

The office bearers of AICEIA (Rajasthan Circle) have completed all possible home work and preliminary meetings with the competent authorities. Our main focus is on removal of prevailing acute stagnation too with regional parity in promotion. 
The justice not appears an easy task therefore, all the Association members are requested to united and ready for possible struggle to achieve the goal. The rest things will be discussed in the General Body Meeting shortly. 
With regards,
B L Meena

Friday, November 8, 2013

Latest status of the Cabinet Note

Dear Comrades,  Good evening.
Though many colleagues might have gone through the updated news on CR of Shri Ravi Malik, Secy General of AIACEGEO, but the same is reproduced below for your ready reference. I have also telephonically discussed with Shri Malik and came to know that the prescribed time limit for clearance from various authorities is of five weeks from the date of clearance by the Hon'ble Finance Minister.
*** Recently I have also came to know that the long pending cabinet note has also been cleared by the DOPT today evening and now the same will be considered by the Cabinet Secretary - PMO - Cabinet Meeting for final approval likely on 21st November, 2013. Now, we have no option except to pray & hope for an early approval.
The next round of effective efforts for betterment of our Cadre will be made immediately on approval of CR by the Cabinet. Please be united for the possible struggle for the justice.
We are also planning that a delegation of Rajasthan Circle should attend the COC’s proposed meeting on 23.11.2013 at CR Building, New Delhi. 
With regards,
B L Meena

 Update by SG-AIACEGEO on CR:-
Many colleagues are inquiring daily about the status of CR. It is expected to be placed before cabinet during this month. Before sending to cabinet, the cabinet note is sent to Law, Exp., DOPT, Cab Sec & PMO to be returned within mandatory period. If not returned within mandatory period, it is treated as deemed concurred. Law & Exp have already concurred it, it is also expected to be returned within this week from DOPT with their observations. Cab Sec & PMO generally don't respond to this formal note. So, it is expected to be sent to cabinet after the expiry of mandatory period accordingly.
Schedule of Cabinet Meetings:- 
Meetings of the Cabinet are normally held at Council House, Saltergate, Chesterfield. Please refer to details of specific meetings in the menu on the left to be held during November, 2013 to May, 2014:-
Wednesday, 20 November 2013 - 10.00 am
Wednesday, 18 December 2013 - 10.00 am
Wednesday, 22 January 2014 - 10.00 am
Wednesday, 19 February 2014 - 10.00 am
Wednesday, 19 March 2014 - 10.00 am
Wednesday, 16 April 2014 - 10.00 am
Wednesday, 14 May 2014 - 10.00 am
Dear friends,
Good afternoon
As also discussed with the ITGOA (Income Tax Gazetted Officers Association), this is the time to reactivate our COC. As we all know that the government is going to constitute the VIIth CPC and cadre restructurings of CBDT & CBEC are also to be implemented, it is the immediate need of the time to stand unitedly under the forum of COC in the Department of Revenue particularly relating to our pay matters & career prospects. 
In view of above, all of the staff Associations are very cordially invited to attend a meeting on the issue on 23.11.13 at C. R. Bldg., New Delhi. All are requested to kindly make it convenient to attend the meeting to be started at 11 a.m. We may discuss the road map of the actions to be taken by the COC in the common interest on this day alongwith other modalities.
Secretary General,