Dear Comrades,
The blog will be updated on further developments in the matter.
BL Meena
I’m in receipt many calls/sms throughout the country
regarding stay order on the promotion to the grade of Superintendent scheduled
for issuance on 30th September.
I’ve scarcely obtained a copy of stated stay order of
the CAT Principal Bench, New Delhi, which is posted below for your information.
As per copy of stay order it appears that some Inspectors
from Delhi Zone filed OA alongwith MA for interim relief before the CAT alleging
that they are not considering in the DPC for promotion to the grade of
Superintendent whereas their juniors are being considering for the promotion.
It appears that some Inspectors, who joined in Delhi
Zone on ICT basis are being considered for promotion in Delhi Zone (clubbing
their services of 8 years in more than one Zones) whereas the applicant of
OA/MA have not completed requisite qualifying service of 8 years and wants
benefit of interpretation of the administration of CE Delhi Zone for their
I will refrain to offer any comments on this surprising
issue as all of you are well known with the Recruitment Rules and legal
The CAT’s main directions are as under:-
“We, therefore, direct the respondents to consider
the applicants in this OA as a separate block and the DPCs may make appropriate
recommendations in their cases for promotion. However, the entire
recommendations of the DPCs shall be kept in sealed cover and it shall not be
given effect to without the leave of this Court. In other words, no
appointments shall be made on the basis of the recommendations of the DPCs.”
Next hearing fixed for 30th October,
Friends – It is surprising to note that (1) the
applicant have not sought STAY on promotion order as interim relief, (2) stay order appears pre-mature as the CAT not heard even preliminary reply of the respondents, (3) the
stay order is applicable only on promotion orders of Delhi Zone, but there is doubt on issuance
of promotion orders on 30th September, 2014.
It is pertinent to mention here that our colleagues are
eagerly waiting their 1st promotion after completion of 23 years or
more that is why our All India Federation resolved in the last convention that
there should be no hurdle/litigation in promotion of Inspectors who joined
upto 2002 and All India seniority should be introduced for promotion for
Inspectors of 2003 batch onwards.
Let us see the next steps of the Board and our
Federation on this extremely vexing problem.
The blog will be updated on further developments in the matter.
Yours comradely,
BL Meena
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