Monday, September 8, 2014

Update on regional issues

Dear Comrades – Good evening
Duties at Land Customs Station, Munabao (Barmer):-
The colleagues performing duty at LCS, Munabao have reported their grievances of frequent duties. Apart from our Inspectors, some Superintendents from Customs border have also suggested for necessary action therefore, today I alongwith Comrades Abhay Singh & Akshay Sharma met with the Commissioner of Customs.
 After detail discussion on problems the Commissioner agreed with our reasoned submissions and has assured to reduce the frequencies of duty at LCS, Munabao.
Revised Transfer Policy as a result of Cadre restructuring:-
The administration has sought our suggestions vide letter dated 26.8.2014 to frame revised transfer policy of Group ‘B’ (Gazetted & Non-Gazetted) officers as a result of Cadre restructuring. In consultation of Superintendent’s Association a letter was written on 28.8.2014 to the Chief Commissioner (Jaipur Zone) asking for some information.
Though, the requisite information are still awaited, but today on the basis of majority of opinion our Association has requested to the Chief Commissioner to obtain options for permanent Commissionerate allocation amoung 5 Commissionerates excluding Audit Commissionerate. All of you are therefore, requested to send your option also at “”. A copy of the said letter issued by our General Secretary is posted below for your information:-  
Yours comradely,
BL Meena                                                           

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