“Frustrated Central Excise Superintendents to demonstrate before residences of top brass
“Frustrated Central Excise Superintendents to demonstrate before residences of top brass
RAVI Malik, Secretary General
of the All India Association of Central Excise Gazetted Executive Officers
informs "Nothing being left to be happy in the life of the Superintendents
of Central Excise, Service Tax & Customs in relation of career, pay or any
other service matter, these officers will gather before the residences of Joint
Secretary (Admn.) and Member (P&V) of Central Board of Excise & Customs
on 20.09.14 in a symbolic manner to submit their pain to these authorities
under the revival of Satyagraha programme in New Delhi. Same programme will be
observed before the residences of Chairperson of CBEC and Revenue Secretary on
21.09.14. Despite of total demoralisation,
disappointment, job dissatisfaction, demotivation, humiliation &
frustration, the revenue targets are regularly being achieved above the set
targets by the sincere, committed & dedicated efforts of these officers but
nobody is worried about their career prospects."
In spite of the huge cadre review these officers are not
happy as still many of them will not get promotions. What makes these officers
angry is that the cadre review notified in December 2013 is yet to be
implemented, while officers are retiring every month frustrated over that
elusive promotion. CBEC is trying to promote about 400 officers but it seems
even this is not coming through as the annual reports of some of the officers
are missing. In every Commissionerate you find agitated Superintendents running
around to find out how their missing reports can be retrieved. "Why should they be held responsible for the lapse of the senior
officers", is
what they angrily question.
The other day a just promoted JC was lamenting before me
that their promotion was delayed by eight months!
Nobody seems to be happy in the Department! ”
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