Monday, March 31, 2014

Happy Chaitra Navratri

Dear Comrades,
Happy New Vikram Samvat Year 2071 & Chaitra Navratri (wef 31.3.2014)

Yours Comradely  B L Meena

Saturday, March 29, 2014

JCM & Meeting with the new Chief Commissioner

Dear Comrades, 

The scheduled combined JCM meeting of all three Commissionerates held on 28th March, 2013 wherein points of DPC, Service Tax Ranges and, many points of basic infrastructure facilities were raised & discussed. The following points were settled in our common interest:- 

Ø The issue of tenure & non-sensitive status of Service Tax Ranges will be decided examining detailed verbal & written submissions before the AGT. The Chief Commissioner is also principally agreed on the issue.

Ø The DPC of the year 2013-14 & 2014-15 for promotion to the grade of Superintendent will be held on 31st March, 2014 and orders will be issued accordingly.

Ø The periodical JCM will be held in all Divisional Offices without fail. The DRs are requested to ensure their participation in the same.

Ø The Association's subscription will compulsory be deducted from monthly salary of subscribed members and will be transferred in the Association’s account and remarks will also be mentioned in LPC at the time of transfer during AGT.

Ø The basic infrastructure facilities will be ensured at LCS Munabao and all Divisional/Range Offices. The Divisional Representatives are requested to raise their grievances in their Divisional JCM meeting under intimation to us.

We also meet with Shri S.S. Lenka, the Chief Commissioner of Customs & Central Excise, Rajasthan as a curtsey visit and appraised him about working condition of our Cadre. Apart from disparity in promotion, we also submitted some suggestions for some modifications in the existing Transfer Policy of our Cadre for common welfare & smooth functioning of the administration. You are requested to please submit your suggestions, if any, for modification in Transfer Policy immediately.

Shri Lenka, the Chief Commissioner was kind enough to listen us patiently and also assured for the utmost cooperation in common welfare. 

Some Association members are ready & preparing documents to file cases before the competent Court for justice through all India seniority during implementation of Cadre Restructuring. The Association is extending all possible cooperation for the justice. 

As per reliable sources, the Finance Minister remained busy and likely to attend only most urgent files/issues on 30th or 31st March, therefore, status of Notification for CR will be known only on 31st March. 

With Regards,

Yours Comradely,
BL Meena                                                              Abhay Singh
PRESIDENT                                               GENERAL SECRETARY

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

No Justice ! Move for Legal Action + Agitation

Dear Comrades,

Please see news published by Comrade Ajit KG, Secretary General on the Federation's Blog at "".

I would like to draw your kind attention towards our post dated 7th March, 2014 wherein it was informed that the Board is going to reduce qualifying service for promotion from 8 to 2 years, which will ultimately result in increase of regional disparity in promotion. The Association team of Rajasthan Circle also informed this fact to Office Bearers of our all India Federation, but they not taken the matter seriously.

During our discussion on 5th March, 2014 with the Chairperson, 3 Members, DG (HRD), ADG (HRD) & DG (DRI) it was also came to know that they are not agree/ready to implement all India seniority during implementation of CR in compliance of decision of the Supreme Court. They were of the opinion to implement the same prospectively. Our team lodged strong protest on the spot before the authorities and these facts was also informed to our Office Bearers of our All India Federation for immediate action, but we heard no response despite of repeated calls, mails & sms except a simple letter to the Chairperson.

During CEC Meet on 23.2.2014 at Mumbai it was resolved that agitation programmes and legal action would be initiated for the real justice. The Federation neither finalized Agitation programmes nor issued Notice to the Chairperson during this crucial period of one month. Rajasthan Team has reminded the Federation from time to time, but all in vain. Now, there is no option except to seek real justice from the competent Court.
The Rajasthan Circle has already passed resolution during General Boady Meeting of whole Rajasthan on 22nd March, 2014 for necessary action to remove the disparity in promotion and legal assistance for all India seniority. Comrade Abhay Singh, General Secretary is doing all out efforts in this regard, but it is pertinent to inform you that our Federation has failed to take right step at the right time.
Present position of CR:- The Notification for re-organized jurisdiction of new Commissionerates and numbers of post is ready with the Board and is to be issued after approval of the Revenue Secretary, MOS & Finance Minister. The FM is expected to reach Delhi on 27th March to attend some urgent issues/files of his last working days. If the awaited Notification is not approved by the FM on 27th or 28th Marh, then the same will be issued after approval of the FM of new Government.
Friends - Please remain in touch with Comrade Abhay Singh, General Secretary and extend all possible cooperation for the real justice though the competent Court without loss of time.

Agitation for Justice:-  We are waiting for Notice/Call of the Federation. The Federation has been informed that I will lead "indefinite Hunger Strike" before the CC, Jaipur Zone in common interest of the Cadre.
Comradely yours,
BL Meena

Efforts to declare S.Tax Ranges as Non-Sensitive

Media News sent to Board for Justice


Sunday, March 23, 2014

Minutes & Resolutions of Meeting

Dear Comrades,
The proposed General Body Meeting of whole Rajasthan held on 22nd March, 2014 from 11.00 to 17.00 hrs in Hotel Gangore, M.I. Road, Jaipur wherein Office Bearers, Delegates, Divisional Representrative and Association members in large numbers from Headquarters office as well as from Division offices of CE Division-I & II -Jaipur, Service Tax –Jaipur, Bhiwadi, Ajmer, Bhilwara, Chittorgarh, Jodhpur, Barmer and, Sriganganagar participated with full zeal.
In inaugural session, Shri Sushil Pareek, General Secretary of All India Association of Central Excise Gazetted Executive Officers (Rajasthan Circle) and ex-President of AIACEGEO remained witness as the Chief Guest of the historical Meet. Shri G.K. Gaur, Superintendent also accompanied as a Special Guest of the meeting to boost morale of the Association team. The Chief Guest lighted the lamp along with Comrade B. L. Meena, President.

The Chief Guest addressed the house with blessing speech sharing his experiences. He also advised for united struggle & effective pursuance for achieve the goal. The Spl Guest Shri G.K. Gour expressed his pleasure on the working of AICEIA Raj Circle team and advised to keep it up.The President Comrade B.L. Meena stressed the problems haunting to the Inspector Cadre and paid thanks to the invited guests.

The General Session has started after inaugural session under the Presidency of Comrade B.L. Meena.
Comrade Abhay Singh, General Secretary presented Action Taken Report (ATR) on table of the august house with permission of dais regarding functioning of newly elected Association team during the last 6 months. The highlights of ATR are as under:-

1.   Efforts made during the last 6 months for removal of disparity in promotion of the Inspectors of Rajasthan.
2.   Efforts made for all India seniority of the Cadre.
3.   Efforts made to strengthen unity of the Association & Cadre.
4.   Efforts made for removal local grievances.
5.   Update information about position of promotions during Cadre Restructuring.      

Comrade Manoj Verma, Asstt General Secretary presented the accounts statement before the house.

All the presented Delegates, Divisional Representative & Association members participated in detail discussion on the ATR. Comrade Abhay Singh, General Secretary replied the queries/question of members on ATR. Minutes of GBM dated 22.9.2013 has been approved by house.  The effective existence of the Association and tireless efforts by its Office Bearers appreciated by all. The ATR & statements of accounts passed unanimously by the house.

In closed session after lunch, the suggestions obtained from the Delegates/ Divisional representative & members for further course of action.

With the permission of Dais every comrade expressed his view that promotion of maximum Inspector should be ensured in new C.R, Service Tax ranges should be declared as non sensitive, & transfer policy should be implemented properly in the coming AGT.

The other issues pointed out are as under:-

v  Comrade Arvind Sharma stressed upon workload & lack of basic infrastructure facilities.

v  Comrade S.K. Bhagat suggested that laptop should be provided for every Inspector.

v  Comrade Sudhir Sharma favored for court case for all India seniority of Inspectors & also suggested that working should be done for permanent allocation of Commissionerate.

v  Comrade Narendera Sharma stressed on promotion, Comrade Shyam Sharma demanded for timely J.C.M in division office.

v  The young force of Association- Comrade Mahesh Kaler who attended meeting with other colleagues of Bhilwara Division raised the issue of facility at LCS Munabao, All india seniority & exposure of every Inspector in each Commissionerate/field.

v  Comrade Rakesh Deriwal also demanded Court case for All India seniority & suggested for creation of Welfare fund so that needful member could be helped.

v  Comrade Puran Mal Sharma expressed that the future of Association is good & he also point out the problems faced by Jodhpur staff due the poor facilities at LCS Munabao.

v  Comrade Shekhar from Barmer raised point for hard duty allowance at Border especially for LCS Munabao.

v  Comrade D.K. Sharma from Ajmer expressed his pleasure & satisfication on activeness of the Aassociation.

v  Comrade Ritu Agarwal, Lady Delegate raised the question on the implementation of all India seniority & base cadre seniority, she advised that Association should do the needful on priority for time bound promotions.

v  Comrades Dilip Choudhary, S.P. Singal, C.S Joshi, Devendra Kumar, Dinesh Sharma, Asutosh Lumba expressed their pleasure on the activities of Association.

v  Senior Comrade & Delegate D. B. Gupta advised to bring more posts in the Zone, Comrade V. D. Sharma advised for maximum vacancies & time bound promotion.

v  Comrade Anil Gupta advised for creation of contingency/emergency fund for members & more efforts for diversion of posts to stagnated Zones.

v  Comrade Rajesh Jain advised to protest any relaxation in qualifying service as it will increase stagnation & disparity in Zones.

ü  The unity of Association by remarkable increase in subscribed members and presentation/updating of Blog also appreciated by everyone On the basis of suggestions & discussions following resolutions passed unanimously by the house for necessary action:-

1.           All out efforts should be made through Federation before the CBEC of time bound promotions.

2.           Legal relief from the competent Court for all India seniority during implementation of Cadre Restructuring.

3.           Constitution of empowered committee for creation of legal fund for all India seniority.

4.           Creation of Emergency Fund for assistance of Association members in case of casualty.

5.           Demand to declare Service Tax Ranges as non-sensitive charge with tenure of one year.

6.     Demand of laptop alongwith internet to all Inspectors for official use.

7.     Timely DPCs for promotion.

8.     AGT should be strictly as per transfer policy and suitable action should be initiated against defaulting Inspector/s.

9.     Lady Officers may not be transferred from their settled station as for as possible.

10.    During AGT equal exposure of every non-sensitive charge/Commissionerate should be ensured giving priority to zero/less tenure on such charge/Commissionerate.

11.    Association will make proposal for proper facilities at LCS Munabao.

12.    Matters of non-subscribed Inspectors should not be entertained by the Association.
Comrade B.L. Meena, President declare completion of proceedings of the Meet with vote of thanks to all Comrades for their active participation.

The photographs of this memorial and graceful occasion will be uploaded shortly.

With regards,

Association Team.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Our new Chief Commissioner

Dear Comrades,
Shri S.S. Lenka, the Commissioner of Central Excise, Cochin has been promoted and posted as the Chief Commissioner of Customs & Central Excise, Jaipur (Rajasthan). This Association welcomes to the new Chief Commissioner.
The Chief guest of our Association's proposed progarmme of 22.3.2014 (Saturday) will be Shri Sushil Pareek, General Secretary, Gazetted Executive Officers' Association of Rajasthan.

Friends - Please ensure your presence on or before 10.00 am in Hotel Gangore, M.I. Road, Jaipur.
With regards,
BL Meena

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

General Body meeting of whole Rajasthan

Dated: 18th March, 2014
Circular for General Body Meeting
           All the Inspectors of Rajasthan are hereby informed that the Association’s general election and general body meeting of whole Rajasthan Circle were held on 22nd September, 2013 therefore, as per the constitution of All India Central Excise Inspectors’ Association (AICEIA), the prescribed half yearly General Body meeting of whole Rajasthan Circle will be held on 22nd March, 2014 (Saturday) at Hotel Gangaur, M.I. Road, Jaipur. The meeting shall commence at 10.00 A.M. sharp and conclude by 5.00 P.M. on the same day.
Agenda: -
1.   Tabling of Action Taken Report (ATR) by General Secretary.
2.   Discussion on ATR.
3.   Discussion & consensus on line of action for all India seniority of Inspectors during Cadre Restructuring.
4.   Discussion & consensus on line of action against proposed relaxation in qualifying service without removing regional disparity in promotion during Cadre Restructuring.
5.   Necessary amendments in Transfer Policy.
6.   Any other point with permission of the Chair. 
           All the Office Bearers, Delegates, Divisional Representatives and all Inspectors (legal members of AICEIA-Rajasthan Circle) of Customs, Central Excise & Service Tax formations of Rajasthan are hereby invited in the meeting with request to attend the same without fail repeat without fail. 

(1) All the Divisional Representatives are requested to obtain united views/consensus on the burning issues through general body meeting at division level and ensure their presence well in time in the important meeting alongwith one colleague. 

(2) They are also requested to confirm their journey programme & arrival by mail/mobile/sms by 21.03.2014 positively to the undersigned or S/Shri B L Meena, President (97846-57055) or Manoj Verma, Asstt Gen Secretary (94142-78868). 

(3) The agenda points will be discussed during pre Lunch session and other points will be discussed during post Lunch session.
Sd/- 18.3.2014
(Abhay Singh)
Copy for information & necessary action to:-
1.     The Chief Commissioner of Central Excise (JZ) / The Commissioner of Central Excise, Jaipur-I / Jaipur-II / The Commissioner of Customs, Jaipur.
2.     The Secretary General of All India Central Excise Inspectors’ Federation.
3.     All Divisional Representatives of all Customs/Central Excise/Service Tax Division.
4.     Association’s blog at “”.
Sd/- 18.3.2014

Sunday, March 16, 2014


Dear Comrades/Friends,

Happy Holi !!

Happy Holi !! Enjoy every colour of Holi and u will get every happiness u desire !!

The Association team is trying its best to paint life of about 250 colleagues with much awaited colour of promotion !!
With regards
Yours Comradely,
BL Meena                                                              Abhay Singh
PRESIDENT                                               GENERAL SECRETARY

Friday, March 14, 2014

Tireless Efforts....Continues

Dear Comrades,

Despite of earlier stated adverse situation, We alongwith Comrades- Anil Gupta -Vice President, Manoj Verma –Asstt General Secretary and, N.K. Meena again visited Delhi on 13th & 14th March in continuation to our all out efforts for justice with Inspectors of Rajasthan.
Our Federation continuously making pressure on the CBEC for the real justice and we are also in touch with Secretary General.

During this visit we have used our all possible resources repeat all possible resources and made our final effective efforts before the competent authorities. Now, we are fond hope of positive results of efforts, but have to pursue the same until final outcome. The efforts & progress will be discussed only in coming meeting.

Friends – The efforts are continues, but please be united & ready for all possible action in case the justice is denied by the Board.

We are also planning to organize GENERAL BODY Meeting of Rajasthan, wherein Association members, Office bearers, Delegates, and Divisional Representatives will be participated. The date, venue & programme are being finalized and will be posted/intimated shortly.

Note:- We are also doing our best to declare Service Tax Ranges as non-sensitive charges. Your cooperation is also required therefore, please remain in touch.
Yours Comradely,

BL Meena                                                              Abhay Singh
PRESIDENT                                               GENERAL SECRETARY

Tuesday, March 11, 2014


Dear Comrades,
I would like to draw your kind & immediate attention towards the Association's 4 post, published on dated 5.3.2014, 6.3.2014 &, 7.3.2014. The present adverse developments/positions has also been informed through e-mails & sms most of colleagues of Rajasthan.
It is learnt that the awaited allocation of Commissionerates alongwith jurisdiction and revised sanctioned strength likely to be notified by the Board before 25th March, 2014.
Since the results appears not good for our Cadre specially for Rajasthan despite of repeated & tireless efforts it is therefore, once against requested to please raise united voice for justice as it is the proper time for proper action against possible injustice of ongoing Cadre Restructuring otherwise, we will have no option except to bear the injustice again & again. Our successors will also not excuse us for our carelessness.
Friends - Our office bearers are bound to lead all possible steps as per united suggestions of the Association members. I have clearly submitted my views to Comrade Ajit KG, Secretary General (077757-50144, 098261-93027) & Abhay Singh, VP (North Zone) of All India Federation to follow the lines of action as per the resolution passed in CEC, Mumbai.
Please send your urgent views, suggestion/voice to Comrade Abhay Singh, General Secretary (94142-02902, 96103-77540) without loss of crucial time & opportunity.
With regards,
Comradely yours,
BL Meena

Friday, March 7, 2014

Little Hope of Justice

Dear Comrades/Friends,

Today, we met with Shri S.B. Singh, the CBEC's new Member - Central Excise (ex-CC of Jaipur Zone) and submitted folder (containing all relevant documents) for ready reference appraising him about attitude of competent authorities of the Board vis-a-vis possible increase in regional disparity in promotion during implementation of Cadre Restructuring.
During farewell ceremony of the Hon’ble Member of CBEC, the Commissioner of CE –Jaipur-I, Comrade Sushil Pareek, General Secretary of Superintendents' Association and Abhay Singh, General Secretary of Inspectors’ Association have drawn his kind attention to safeguard the common interest of our stagnated & discriminated Cadre.

Shri Singh - the Member in his blessing speech acknowledged the tireless efforts of our Association and assured to do his best possible efforts also at the Board level for justice with our Cadre. He also advised the Commissioner, Jaipur-I for Delhi visit and to appraise him about present status of the justified demands of the Association and the same  has been noted by the Commissioner for immediate compliance.
This Association shall ever be grateful for such a great response of the Member & Commissioner and hope for some improvement in the present adverse situation.

Thus, we have a little hope of justice as the present proposals/decisions of Committees for implementation of the CR are yet to be examined & approved by the full Board meeting. We are also planning to adopt some other effective steps in remaining short period for betterment of the Cadre.
Note: - The date of earlier proposed emergency General Body meeting will be informed by Comrade Abhay Singh, General Secretary.

Yours Comradely,
BL Meena                                                                         

Board's step to increase regional disparity

Dear Comrades,

It has been learnt from reliable sources that the Board has approved relaxation in qualifying service from 8 to 2 years for promotion of Inspectors for undue promotional benefits in some CE Zones and amended Recruitment Rules appears to be issued by the DOPT accordingly.
This step of the Board without removing existing acute regional disparity will ultimately increase the regional disparity in our Cadre. If so happened, Inspectors having 20 years service will not be promoted during implementation of ongoing Cadre Restructuring whereas Inspectors of only 2 years service will be promoted in some of the Zones.
Friends - Please discuss & circulate this news among all the colleagues and send your valuable comments on the blog, by e-mail or by phone to decide further line of action.
Comradely yours,
B L Meena

Thursday, March 6, 2014

DELHI VISIT - Meetings with Authorities

Dear Comrades - Good morning

We have visited Delhi on 5.3.2014 and any how managed appointment from the top brass authorities of the CBEC for official meeting despite of their busy schedule of DPC (at Mumbai) & Cadre Restructuring work. During our meeting with the (1) Chairperson, (2) Member (P&V), (3) Member (Zonal Incharge of Jaipur Zone), (4) new Member Shri S.B. Singh, (5) DG (HRD) and, (6) DG, DRI (the Chairperson of Committee of Operation Issues for implementation of CR) we lodged our protest alongwith reasoned submissions against reduction of CE Commissionerates from 4 to 3 too without consultation/knowledge of the jurisdictional Chief Commissioner of CE (Jaipur Zone). We are fond hope that the Board authorities will never forget our united voice of protection.
Friends - We are still committed for the all possible steps/action for justice with our stagnated & discriminated Cadre. The details of meetings & possibilities will be appraised/discussed in General Body Meeting.
Yours Comradely,
BL Meena                                                                          Abhay Singh
PRESIDENT                                                               GENERAL SECRETARY