Saturday, January 11, 2014

Update of tireless efforts & support of the Media

Dear Comrades/Friends.....Good morning.

Please peruse the following voice of media (summary of representation/demands) published in Rajasthan Patrika, Dainik Bhaskar & Dainik Navjyoti:-
 Rajasthan Patrika dt. 10th January, 2014:-

               I alongwith Shri Abhay Singh, Gen Secretary again visited Delhi on 10th January, 2014 and succeeded to snatch time from busy schedule of competent authorities of the Board. During meeting we strongly reiterated our reasoned submissions for removal disparity in promotion during implementation of the Cadre Restructuring. The authorities patiently heard our submissions and assured us for consideration the demands judiciously & favorably. However, Association team has to again visit Delhi in next week. The progress of tireless efforts will be apprised in detail in the next GB meeting.
We have also noted that our voice against injustice and support of esteemed Media is also in knowledge of the competent authorities of the Board & constituted Committees.
The Association team is doing all out efforts by all possible means. The struggle is to be carried continued till justice therefore, all of you are again requested to maintain our unity and be ready for agitation, if the justice is denied by the Board.
Please read e-mails & circulate in colleagues and also submit your suggestions/comments for more effectiveness in united efforts.
With fraternally,
BL Meena,


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