Wednesday, January 1, 2014

One more step in New Year - Constitution of Joint Action Committee for the justice

Dear Comrades,
Today we have taken one more step towards united efforts for removal acute stagnation & disparity from our Cadre. On our proposal, all office bearers of other Associations of Rajasthan has agreed to extend their cooperation through Joint Action Committee and its Convenor & Chairman Shri Sushil Pareek. Now all Superintendents, Administrative Officers, Inspectors, Ministerial Officers, Hawaldar-Sepoys & Drivers will attend joint General Body Meeting on 3rd January, 2014 at 1.30 pm in Lawn of Hqrs office, Jaipur to discuss the further line of action for the justice. Hope for the best.
Please attend the meeting positively without fail repeat without fail
Yours fraternally,
BL Meena

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