Dear Comrades. .... We are receiving many calls, mails & sms from colleagues to know possible number of posts for promotion to the grade of Superintendent during implementation of the Cadre Restructuring.
First of all, all out efforts for equity & justice are still under progress and the Association team is fond hope of positive results on the basis of your united & valuable support, but we are not in a position to publish exact numbers of posts for promotion to the grade of Superintendent in Rajasthan.
Our main demand is implementation of all India seniority in compliance of judgment of the Hon’ble Supreme Court for removal of regional disparity/stagnation of our cadre. The base cadre seniority is a part of this demand and the same is also a main demand of All India Federation of Superintendents. This issue is under active consideration by the DG (HRD) as year-wise position/data of Inspector/Examiner/Preventive Officer has already been obtained from all Cadre Controlling Authorities for necessary action/decision. A meeting of our All India Federation is also expected with the top brass of CBEC before final decision. Though, our All India Federation is dealing with this main demand, but it is an admitted fact by the Federation that Rajasthan Circle is extending its best possible contribution by all means.
Dear Friends – This demand is relating with the real justice therefore, there is no need for any calculation of Superintendent’s post if the same is accepted by the Board.
As you are aware that existing 2 CE Commissionerates are proposed for reorganization into 4 CE Commissionerate. We have also raised following demands with reasoned submissions, which are also under consideration before the Board/Committees after judicious & favorable recommendations by the respective Commissioners and the Cadre Controlling Chief Commissioner (JZ):-
1. Creation of Service Tax Commissionerate in Rajasthan,
2. Creation of additional Customs Commissionerate in Rajasthan, and
3. Allocation of Audit Commissionerate in CE (Jaipur Zone).
During 2nd round discussion, the Board authorities assured that Audit Commissionerate will not be curtailed from CE (JZ) during implementation of CR therefore, we may hope for the same with 80 posts of Superintendent*.
2. Creation of additional Customs Commissionerate in Rajasthan, and
3. Allocation of Audit Commissionerate in CE (Jaipur Zone).
During 2nd round discussion, the Board authorities assured that Audit Commissionerate will not be curtailed from CE (JZ) during implementation of CR therefore, we may hope for the same with 80 posts of Superintendent*.
It has also been gathered from the reliable sources that staffing norms of 80 Superintendents in each CE Commissionerate is going to be reduced to 50 only. Thus, promotional avenues for Inspectors of Rajasthan are not good if our genuine & justified demands are not accepted by the Board. Since fate of other demands not known till date and if justice is denied by the Board even after recommendations of the Cadre Controlling Authority, the calculation of posts for promotion to the grade of Superintendent will only be as under:-
1. 4 CE Commissionerate : 4X50= 200
2. 1 CE Audit Commissionerate : 1X80= 80 (if assurance results in result)*
3. 1 Customs (P) Commissionerate: 1X80= 80
4. Commissioner (Appeals) : 2X1 = 2
5. O/o the CC : 1X1 = 1
Total revised sanction =363
Total existing sanctioned strength & working =278
Number of possible posts for promotion =85 (363-278)
On the basis of above calculation all Inspectors upto batch of 1993 will not be promoted to the grade of Superintendent as a result of Cadre Restructuring, even after completion of 21 years service whereas eligible Inspectors will not be available for promotion in some of the Zones.
2. 1 CE Audit Commissionerate : 1X80= 80 (if assurance results in result)*
3. 1 Customs (P) Commissionerate: 1X80= 80
4. Commissioner (Appeals) : 2X1 = 2
5. O/o the CC : 1X1 = 1
Total revised sanction =363
Total existing sanctioned strength & working =278
Number of possible posts for promotion =85 (363-278)
On the basis of above calculation all Inspectors upto batch of 1993 will not be promoted to the grade of Superintendent as a result of Cadre Restructuring, even after completion of 21 years service whereas eligible Inspectors will not be available for promotion in some of the Zones.
If so happened, there will be no option except to adopt the line of agitation for the justice therefore, all of you are once again requested that we should be united & ready to fight for the justice…….ABHI NAHI TO……KABHI NAHI…
"Jai Hind - Jai Bharat"
Yours fraternally
BL Meena
North Block, New Delhi
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