Tuesday, September 30, 2014

148 Inspectors of Jaipur Zone promoted to the grade of Superintendent

Dear Comrades - Congratulations to all !
As a result of Cadre restructuring, the Chief Commissioner of CE (Jaipur Zone) has promoted 148 Inspectors to the grade of Superintendent vide establishment order No. 101/2014 dated 30th September, 2014.
With regards & good wishes,
Yours comradely,
BL Meena

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Updated Information

Dear Comrades,

As a result of Cadre restricting, the Chief Commissioner, CE (Jaipur Zone) has issued Trade Notice on 26th September, 2014 in r/o the revised jurisdictions of Central Excise & Service Tax formations of Rajasthan. The details thereof are available at “centralexcisejaipur.nic.in” and it will be take effect w.e.f. 15th October, 2014.
The administration has fixed a meeting on 29th September, 2014 for discussion with Associations on the revised Transfer Policy. Though, this Association vide letter dated 8th September, 2014 (copy available on this blog) has already submitted the best possible suggestions in common interest of the cadre, but you can submit additional suggestions in light of the aforesaid Trade Notice till 10.00 a.m. of 29th September, 2014.
The developments on other career oriented issues are moving/turning fast and we are keeping close watch too visiting Delhi & the same will be updated/informed well in time.
Yours comradely,
BL Meena                                                          

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Doubt on issuance of promotion order scheduled for 30th September - Stay in Delhi Zone

Dear Comrades,

I’m in receipt many calls/sms throughout the country regarding stay order on the promotion to the grade of Superintendent scheduled for issuance on 30th September.
I’ve scarcely obtained a copy of stated stay order of the CAT Principal Bench, New Delhi, which is posted below for your information.
As per copy of stay order it appears that some Inspectors from Delhi Zone filed OA alongwith MA for interim relief before the CAT alleging that they are not considering in the DPC for promotion to the grade of Superintendent whereas their juniors are being considering for the promotion.
It appears that some Inspectors, who joined in Delhi Zone on ICT basis are being considered for promotion in Delhi Zone (clubbing their services of 8 years in more than one Zones) whereas the applicant of OA/MA have not completed requisite qualifying service of 8 years and wants benefit of interpretation of the administration of CE Delhi Zone for their promotion.
I will refrain to offer any comments on this surprising issue as all of you are well known with the Recruitment Rules and legal position.
The CAT’s main directions are as under:-
“We, therefore, direct the respondents to consider the applicants in this OA as a separate block and the DPCs may make appropriate recommendations in their cases for promotion. However, the entire recommendations of the DPCs shall be kept in sealed cover and it shall not be given effect to without the leave of this Court. In other words, no appointments shall be made on the basis of the recommendations of the DPCs.”
Next hearing fixed for 30th October, 2014.
Friends – It is surprising to note that (1) the applicant have not sought STAY on promotion order as interim relief, (2) stay order appears pre-mature as the CAT not heard even preliminary reply of the respondents, (3) the stay order is applicable only on promotion orders of Delhi Zone, but there is doubt on issuance of promotion orders on 30th September, 2014.
It is pertinent to mention here that our colleagues are eagerly waiting their 1st promotion after completion of 23 years or more that is why our All India Federation resolved in the last convention that there should be no hurdle/litigation in promotion of Inspectors who joined upto 2002 and All India seniority should be introduced for promotion for Inspectors of 2003 batch onwards.
Let us see the next steps of the Board and our Federation on this extremely vexing problem.

The blog will be updated on further developments in the matter.

Yours comradely,

BL Meena                                                          

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

23 वर्षो बाद ज़िंदगी का पहला प्रमोशन - बोरिया-बिस्तर समेटने की तैयारी !

Dear Comrades – Good morning

As on today approx 65% posts of Superintendent are at Jaipur station whereas after 1st October, 2014 there will be only 30% (130) posts for Jaipur. Thus, approx 50 Superintendents working at Jaipur station will have to face mid-session transfer from Jaipur in addition to 148 Inspectors, likely to be promoted to the grade of Superintendent on 30th September, 2014.
Out of the said 130 post of Jaipur, most of the posts will be reserved for age of 57+, Patients, Women, spouse ground and persons having higher liaison. Further, there may be some quota for senior officers in guise of administrative grounds.

Thus, posting at Jaipur will be very difficult & dream ! 23 वर्षो बाद ज़िंदगी का पहला प्रमोशन –और वो भी इस कीमत और शर्त पर !
Dear Friends - Think.....Think....&..again...Think.... that what will be happened with our colleagues, whose families are settled at Jaipur and how they will perform their family liabilities, specially marriageable children.

The main reason for this situation is diversion of 60 posts of Superintendent of of Audit Commissionerate at Hqrs of Alwar, Udaipur & Jodhpur Commissionerates. The CBEC has issued guidelines vide letter dated 22nd September, 2014  regarding Structure, Administrative set up and Functions of Audit Commissionerates.

In my opinion all posts of Audit Commissionerate should be at Jaipur. The Board has also mentioned in aforesaid letter that “guidelines may be followed....... subject to deviations needed to cater to the local requirements”

Please send your urgent suggestions by returning mails/calls. The time is very short so please be united alongwith Superintendent cadre.....फिर पछताए क्या होत है .......जब चिड़िया चुग गई खेत !
Yours comradely,
BL Meena                                                          
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Dear Comrades,
On being asked by the Association members and in consultation with comrade Abhay Singh, General Secretary, copy of the Association’s letter dated 08.09.2014 is again posted below for your ready reference on revised Transfer Policy:-
साथियों – हम तो सर्व-हित में संभावित सभी प्रयास कर रहे है और सर्व-हित के लिए हर कदम उठाने को तैयार है, बस आपके कंधे से कंधा मिलकर सहयोग और बाहर निकलने की जरूरत है – क्योकि एकता में ही शक्ति और सफलता निहित होती है।
 सरफरोशी की तमन्ना अब हमारे दिल में है;
          देखना हे जोर कितना बाजुए कातिल में है                                   

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Cadre Review / New Commissionerates will be effective from 15th October, 2014

Dear Comrades,

Our bolg always remained ahead in posting the latest news.

The CBEC has notified New Jurisdictions as per Cadre Review; 15 Notifications issued - 9 in Customs + 3 in CX + 3 in ST; to be effective from October 15, 2014.

Now, our Chief Commissioner (Jaipur Zone) will issue notifications regarding the jurisdiction of new Divisions & Ranges shortly.

Please remain united for framing revised Transfer Policy in common interest.

With regards,

BL Meena



Monday, September 15, 2014

News Flash on TIOL

“CBEC Cadre Review: Board is fully geared to notify new jurisdictions of all Customs, Central Excise & Service Tax Commissionerates”
Please wait for detail news………………

Thursday, September 11, 2014

चलो कोई तो है, कर्मचारियों की सुनने वाला !

A division bench of justices S Ravindra Bhat and Vipin Sanghi directed the central government that information on asset liabilities of spouses or dependent children will not be revealed to the public by government departments. It said such information will only be furnished to respective departments in a sealed cover.
The court was hearing a plea by Vinita Singla, wife of a public servant and working in a major IT company ofIndia, who opposed the Lokapal provisions contending that they were violative of her Fundamental Rights.

The court also said that till its further orders in November, the sealed envelopes reaching all departments shouldn’t be opened.
Singla submitted that if independent liabilities of the spouse and or the dependent children, which have no relation with the public servant, are disclosed on government website, they will “cause prejudice and humiliation before the public at large”.

“Prima facie, there is merit in the petitioner’s contention. She is a private citizen and declaration of her assets is violation of the Article 21 of the Constitution.
The stayed order comes as a huge relief to harried bureaucrats and central government employees forced under the Lokpal Act to file declarations of their assets and liabilities and those of their spouses and dependent children.

Vinita Singla, through her lawyer Manish Jain, questioned the government’s decision to seek her assets with the intention to display the information on its website.
“Even otherwise the constitutional and legal rights, privileges and liberties of the Petitioner cannot be jeopardized and/or affected, just because of the reason that the Petitioner is married to a public servant.

“The Lokpal and Lokayuktas Act, 2013, which is inter-alia unreasonable, arbitrary, unjustified and unconstitutional, as the same is seeking declaration in the form of information from the public servant even for the assets of the spouse and dependent children, which has not been generated from the income and/or contribution of the public servant in any manner whatsoever and that the said information is further directed to be published on the website of such ministry or department, which will make the said information visible to the public at large, which inter-alia may be detrimental and cause prejudice to the said spouse and/or children of the public servant,” Singla argued in HC.  

Superintendent’s demonstration from 20th September


Frustrated Central Excise Superintendents to demonstrate before residences of top brass

RAVI Malik, Secretary General of the All India Association of Central Excise Gazetted Executive Officers informs "Nothing being left to be happy in the life of the Superintendents of Central Excise, Service Tax & Customs in relation of career, pay or any other service matter, these officers will gather before the residences of Joint Secretary (Admn.) and Member (P&V) of Central Board of Excise & Customs on 20.09.14 in a symbolic manner to submit their pain to these authorities under the revival of Satyagraha programme in New Delhi. Same programme will be observed before the residences of Chairperson of CBEC and Revenue Secretary on 21.09.14. Despite of total demoralisation, disappointment, job dissatisfaction, demotivation, humiliation & frustration, the revenue targets are regularly being achieved above the set targets by the sincere, committed & dedicated efforts of these officers but nobody is worried about their career prospects."

In spite of the huge cadre review these officers are not happy as still many of them will not get promotions. What makes these officers angry is that the cadre review notified in December 2013 is yet to be implemented, while officers are retiring every month frustrated over that elusive promotion. CBEC is trying to promote about 400 officers but it seems even this is not coming through as the annual reports of some of the officers are missing. In every Commissionerate you find agitated Superintendents running around to find out how their missing reports can be retrieved. "Why should they be held responsible for the lapse of the senior officers", is what they angrily question.

The other day a just promoted JC was lamenting before me that their promotion was delayed by eight months!
Nobody seems to be happy in the Department!

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

DPC as a result of Cadre restructuring

Dear Comrades,

The DPC for promotion from Inspector to the grade of Superintendent has been conducted today i.e. 10/9/2014 in CE (Jaipur Zone). Please wait for further update...  ...  ...

Yours comradely, 

BL Meena                                                          

Monday, September 8, 2014

Update on regional issues

Dear Comrades – Good evening
Duties at Land Customs Station, Munabao (Barmer):-
The colleagues performing duty at LCS, Munabao have reported their grievances of frequent duties. Apart from our Inspectors, some Superintendents from Customs border have also suggested for necessary action therefore, today I alongwith Comrades Abhay Singh & Akshay Sharma met with the Commissioner of Customs.
 After detail discussion on problems the Commissioner agreed with our reasoned submissions and has assured to reduce the frequencies of duty at LCS, Munabao.
Revised Transfer Policy as a result of Cadre restructuring:-
The administration has sought our suggestions vide letter dated 26.8.2014 to frame revised transfer policy of Group ‘B’ (Gazetted & Non-Gazetted) officers as a result of Cadre restructuring. In consultation of Superintendent’s Association a letter was written on 28.8.2014 to the Chief Commissioner (Jaipur Zone) asking for some information.
Though, the requisite information are still awaited, but today on the basis of majority of opinion our Association has requested to the Chief Commissioner to obtain options for permanent Commissionerate allocation amoung 5 Commissionerates excluding Audit Commissionerate. All of you are therefore, requested to send your option also at “meenablal@gmail.com”. A copy of the said letter issued by our General Secretary is posted below for your information:-  
Yours comradely,
BL Meena