Dear Friends,
Congratulations to Shri S. B. Singh to our Chief Commissioner of Central Excise (Jaipur Zone) on his appointment as the Member of CBEC with the status of Special Secretary to the Govt of India.
During interaction with our Association he always shown his judiciousness on the burning issues of staff welfare and forwarded following proposals alongwith strong recommendations to the Board on request of the Association for justice & betterment of our Cadre:-
1. Creation of Audit Commissionerate in Rajasthan.
2. Creation of Service Tax Commissionerate in addition to proposed 2 new CE Commissionerates.
3. Creation of new Customs Commissionerate in Rajasthan.
4. Sanction of additional posts for Service Tax administration & increased Customs formations.
5. Sanction separate posts for O/o the CC & Commissioner (Appeals).
5. Sanction separate posts for O/o the CC & Commissioner (Appeals).
The above genuine & justified proposals are now pending with the Board for final decision. We hope his similar cooperation also at the Board level during implementation of the Cadre Restructuring.
This Association is very thankful to him for valuable cooperation and pray the almighty for his bright & successful career.
Comrades - The Association team is going to visit authorities of DG (HRD) & Board in the next week. Please be prepared & ready to make the agitation programme successful, if the real justice is denied by the Board.
With regards,
With regards,
BL Meena
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