Saturday, June 14, 2014

Efforts for fair AGT orders

Dear Comrades,

We were receiving many calls specially from our colleagues working at Indo-Pak Customs border for relieving consequent on their transfer orders dated 30/05/2014. We have raised this genuine demand strongly before the administration that is why the Administration issued letter on 13/06/2014 to relieve all the transferred officers on the same day.

An Executive Body meeting of the Association held on 13th June, 2014 (Friday) to discuss & decide action on transfer & posting orders found/reported not as per the existing transfer policy. All such cases were discussed in the meeting, but decided to take up some cases before the Administration as per unanimous decision of the quorum.

In this regard a letter written on the spot to the Chief Commissioner (JZ) and concerned Commissioners for consideration & rectification. A delegation consisting President, General Secretary & Asstt General Secretary-I comrade Alok Mathur also met with the Chief Commissioner for necessary action.
The Chief Commissioner has given patient hearing & assured for positive action for relief to the aggrieved Association members. Hope for the best in common interest. A copy of the said letter is posted below for your kind information:-

Yours comradely,

BL Meena                                                           Abhay Singh
PRESIDENT                                           GENERAL SECRETARY


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