Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Bitter truth of meeting with Board Committee

Dear Comrades,

As posted on dated 16th May, 2014, a delegation of Rajasthan Circle consisting B.L. Meena –President, Abhay Singh –General Secretary, Alok Mathur –Asstt Gen Secretary & S.K. Bhagat –Office Secretary reached Delhi on 19th May, 2014 and shared our views with key representatives of our Federation before scheduled meeting with the Board committee. The meeting held in chairpersonship of the DG (HRD) and Chief Commissioner of Customs (Delhi Zone), ADG (HRD), Dy Secretary of Govt of India alongwith other officers & officials of DGHRD were also present from the Board side.

As representatives of Central Excise Inspectors, A. Satish -President, Ajit K.G. –Secretary General, Dilip Pandya –Jt Secy (WZ), Abhay Singh –V.P. (NZ) of AICEIA Federation and B.L. Meena –President (AICEIA –Rajasthan Circle) participated in meeting. The Association representatives of Customs Houses/formations and Superintendent of Central Excise Association were also attended the meeting.

The representatives of Central Excise Inspectors forcefully submitted following reasoned submissions in the meeting:- 

1) All India seniority must be introduced beginning the first batch of Inspectors recruited on all India merit list inducted in the Department in 2003, and that all Inspectors senior to them in all Zones must be promoted prior to that. If this is not accepted, there will most certainly be serious litigation immediately. 

2) During allocation of manpower in various Zones, sufficient numbers of posts must be allocated to all Zones so that all Inspectors upto 2002 batch can be promoted/upgraded to the grade of Superintendent during implementation of the CR. 

3) If the posts are allocated only as per functional requirement of the Zones and all Inspectors upto 2002 batch cannot be promoted in some particular Zones then an option must be make available to remaining Inspectors of such Zones for promotional avenues in Zones wherein posts of Superintendent remains vacant even after promotion of Inspectors upto 2002 batch in that Zone. There should be no promotion of any Inspector in any Zone of batch 2003 onwards before promotion of Inspectors upto batch of 2002 through the said option. We also added that policy of repatriation should strictly followed on FIFO method in case of such promoted Superintended as and when vacancy(ies) arises in their home Zones. 

The Superintendent of Central Excise Association and Board authorities mis-interpreted our Association’s this suggestion that it will result in all India transfer liability on Superintendent whereas we have suggested such temporary policy to remove the regional disparity in promotional avenues of our cadre too without disturbing the existing Zonal transfer liability of Superintended cadre. 

4) On being raised point by Superintendent of Central Excise Association to bring parity among all the 3 executive base cadres in the Department our Association extended full support to the same, and pointed out that we have voiced this demand on the various occasions for removal of regional disparity and equity. The representatives of Customs Houses/formations opposed our this united demand for justice. 

5) The Board authorities also sought opinion on 2 years service for promotion from grade pay of Rs. 4600 to Rs. 4800/-. The representatives of Customs Houses/formations welcomed to the said proposal of Board. Our Association pointed out that we have also no objection if the qualifying service of 8 years for promotion from Inspector to Superintendent is reduced to 2 years, but such amendment in Recruitment Rules should implemented only after promotion of all the Inspectors having service of 8 years or more. 

Though this issue have no relevancy with career of Superintendent of Central Excise Association, but attitude of their representatives was surprising also on this issue as they were insisting for such reduction in qualifying service guise of the DOPT’s guidelines. Their views were nothing except to help representatives of Customs formations and some Inspectors of their near & dear Zones for undue promotional benefit on & above of their senior colleagues of stagnated Zones whereas our Federation forcefully advanced its position that any reduction of minimum qualifying service should be considered only after regional disparities in promotions are completely done away with in the Inspectors' cadre. 

6)  During the meeting we realised that the Board is going to allocate manpower in re-organised Zones/Commissionerates/Directorates based on the functional requirement without any consideration for removal regional disparity in promotional avanues that is why we requested the Board committee as to whether they have any method/strategy to remove the existing regional disparity, but they have nothing to say on this issue. Therefore, we expressed our strong protest saying “We have made tireless efforts submitting reasoned & justified submissions before the Board's various competent authorities on several occasions to remove the regional disparity in promotion by implementing all India seniority of our cadre. Based upon the said assurances our cadre patiently waiting for justice in the present CR. From discussion and attitude of today meeting, now we are realising that Inspectors of Central Excise are not being treated a real member of CBEC family as the committed assurances are not being fulfilled during present CR. It appears that that there is no hope of justice in CBEC for thousands Inspectors of Central Excise and our pity cadre will be dispirited & discriminated again & again as usual”. 

Issuance of Notification:- 

During meeting the Chairperson informed that the awaited notifications regarding the jurisdiction of re-organised Commissionerates/Directorates and allocation of manpower will be issued on or before 23rd May, 2014. 

Future course of action of the Board:- 

The DG (HRD) & her committee will compile the views of all Association and will present before the full Board meeting for final decision before issuance of the notifications for implementation of CR.  

Conclusion of meeting:- 

The office bearers of Federation as well its Circles tried their best efforts for the awaited justice with our cadre, but looking into adamant attitude of the Board authorities we have no hope of justice. The Board authorities arranged common meeting of all Association with a view to divide & rule and succeeded to some extent. It is very unfortunate that apart from the representatives of Customs Houses/formations, our own so called BIG BROTHERS also objected our submissions and became hurdle in efforts for achieving the goal, forgetting that “SAAS BHI KABHI BAHU THI”. 

Future of CR:-
It is material evidence that in compliance of decision given in 1996 by the Supreme Court, the Inspectors are recruited on all India merit basis from 2003 onwards and assigned zones without obtaining preferences of zones therefore, there should be no problem in all India seniority & promotions from 2003 onwards. The Board authorities appears of the opinion that all India seniority & promotions can only be implemented prospectively i.e. w.e.f. year 2015, too after implementation of the CR-2013 as per the existing practice of regional disparity in promotional avenues. Thus, despite of all India recruitment from 2003 onwards, Inspectors of 2006 batch will be promoted to the grade of Superintendent in some of Zones whereas their senior colleauges of 2003 batch onwards will remain Inspectors in most of the Zones during implementation of the CR. The existing gape of regional disparity can also be increased if the proposed reduction in qualifying service is implemented with immediate effectThus, looking into possible situation of undue promotional benefit vis-a-vis acute discriminating voices/representation from various Zones, it appears that CR-2013 will be litigated & stayed by competent Court of law immediately on issuance of the awaited notifications until the Board is agreed to decide the policies looking into the principle of natural justice & equity in promotional avenues.

We, on behalf of all the members of the Association pray the almighty to bestow wisdom to the Board authorities for judicious approach before final decision in aforesaid matters. 

*Our efforts for Rajasthan Zone & expected results thereof will be informed or published separately.

With regards,

BL Meena                                                                   Abhay Singh
PRESIDENT                                                   GENERAL SECRETARY

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