Wednesday, November 6, 2013

The unity is the need of the hour

Dear Comrades……Good evening.
It is a bitter truth that today we facing acute stagnation and disparity in promotion due to discrimination during the last Cadre Restructuring-2002. There was no organizational increase in Rajasthan due to our inactiveness/carelessness. 
The Jaipur Zone is the worst suffering Zone of the country after Shillong Zone, which is clear from the material fact that Inspectors of 1991 batch of Jaipur Zone are still waiting for the first promotion of the career whereas Inspectors of 2003 batch of Delhi and Bhubaneswar are already been promoted. 
The latest developments are appears not to be good for Jaipur zone on account of less industrial growth in the state of Rajasthan. Further it has also been gathered that the Board is going to reduce the staffing norms of Central Excise Commissionerate from the proposed 80 Superintendents to only 50-60 Superintendents for adjustment of the DOPT's cut of 30% in the original proposals. This will result into creation of only two (2) new post of Superintendent in Rajasthana (4x50+80= 280-278=2) for promotion.
Though confirmation of this news is awaited from the competent authorities, but OUR UNITY IS THE NEED OF THE HOUR for struggle/fight against possible negative result.
Comrades, the office bearers of Rajasthan Circle are committed for DO or DIE struggle for the justice therefore, all of you are also requested to be ready for any constitutional action against the prevailing and POSSIBLE regional disparity in promotional avenues.
Please remember - The Association member's unity is only the strength of its office bearers.
A General Body Meeting will be called immediately on return of our GS from LTC.
We are waiting for your just response in the matter and further line of action will be decided accordingly.
With regards,
B L Meena

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