Monday, December 15, 2014

Point-wise suggestions on draft Transfer Policy

Dear Friends/Comrades,

I have prepared some point-wise suggestions on the draft transfer policy in common interest all of us, which are published below.

You are requested to please go through the suggestions and provide more reasoned suggestions for improvement of the same.

Please note that it is a time bound issue therefore, please respond timely & effectively so that consolidated suggestions can be submitted to office bearers of our Association for effective action at their end.

With regards & love,

Yours comradely,
BL Meena
Point-wise suggestions on draft Transfer Policy:-

General Guidelines:-

6.         On promotion, officer should be retained on the same station if post is available on the said station.  If more officers are promoted in comparison to vacant posts, the officer having longest station tenure should only be shifted.

(i) The prescribed qualifying service for promotion to the grade of Superintendent is 8 years whereas as on today no Inspector is being promoted before completion of at least 12 years i.e. 150% of the qualifying service. Moreover, as a result of cadre restructuring executive officers have been promoted as Superintendent after completion of 23 years of service in Inspector cadre.

(ii) The qualifying service for promotion from Superintendent to Assistant Commissioner is prescribed as 2 years therefore, it is not be proper of judicious decision to dis-qualify Superintendents on account of experience even after completion of more than twice qualifying service in the executive cadres. 

(iii)  If newly Assistant Commissioner can supervise the audit work without experience of 5 years then there should be no problem for a Superintendent, who has already served such a long period in the executive cadre.

Though there should be comparison in experience for posting in Audit work for better results therefore, Superintendents having combined service of 15 years in both executive cadres should be deployed for the audit work.

(i).   There is no justification to assign non-sensitive charge on promotion therefore, Superintendents should be posted on sensitive or non-sensitive looking into his immediate posting in Inspector cadre.

(ii).  Similarly, there is no justification to assign non sensitive charge on reversion from Customs Commissionerate. The officer should be posted on sensitive or non-sensitive posting looking into his immediate posting in Customs Commissionerate.

I-Station Tenure:-
(i)    The station tenure for Central Excise Division Chittorgarh, Pali & Bikaner should also be only 2 years.

(ii)   Similarly, station tenure for Customs Divisions Sriganganagar & Bikaner should be only 1 year at par with Customs Ranges.

                The extension requests of willing officers should be considered for a longer time for aforesaid stations.

II-Allocation of Commissionerate:-
Para 4.5          
      The word “prescribed complete tenure” should be inserted alongwith both restrictions because in many cases the officers have been transferred/are transfered from those postings/stations on account of the administration’s exigencies without completion of the prescribed tenure.

Para 4.6         
(i).    The tenure of all non-sensitive postings should be only one (1) year in any case.

(ii)     The prescribed period of sensitive posting is 1 year Customs formations whereas 2 years in Central Excise formations. Thus, sensitive posting in Customs formations is itself a complete sensitive postings therefore, while posting in Central Excise or Customs formations vice-versa the period of sensitive posting in Customs formation should not be clubbed for the purpose of completion of 2 years sensitive posting in Central Excise formation. 

(iii)    Similarly, if on account of the administration’s exigencies an officer is transferred/shifted from one sensitive posting to another sensitive posting within Central Excise formations, he should compulsory be rotated on non-sensitive posting immediately on completion of combined tenure of 2 years. 

III-Local rotation at a station:-

As submitted & discussed earlier on several occasions, it is again requested that the tenure in Service Tax formations should be only 1 year and officers of Service Tax should be rotated in sensitive posting  of Central Excise or Audit after accordingly.

(i)     Normally, requests for transfer or extension on account of study of child in Class X or Class XII receives for Jaipur and Kota stations therefore, sufficient posts should be permanently be diverted to these stations from other stations or Commissionerates so that other needy officers can also have a chance to serve on these stations to discharge their family obligations/responsibilities such as; look after of oldage parents, engagement/ marriage of their marriageable children etc.

(ii)    In any case Lady Officer should NOT be assigned sensitive posting during extension of the prescribed station tenure. 

(iii)   The provisions of Transfer Policy should strictly be followed without any excuse to any one and office bearers of the Association should also be a part of the prescribed committee for examination of any special case.

The Headquarters of all Audit Circles should be at Jaipur:-
There is no justification to shift Audit Circles out of Jaipur. In this regard supporting submissions are as under:-

(i)     The Headquarters of Audit Commissionerate will remain at Jaipur.

(ii)    The MCM of all Audit Circles is prescribed under chairmanship of the Commissioner of Audit alongwith all the Commissioners of Central Excise therefore, MCM will be held at Jaipur. 

(iii)    All posts of the Additional Commissioner will only at at Hqrs, Jaipur.

(iv)   All files of desk review have to be approved by the Additional Commissioner.

(v)    If Audit Circles are shifted at those places there will be no savings of TA/DA because the Audit officers have to frequently visit at Jaipur for day to day work such as – desk review approval, discussion with the Additional Commissioner, MCM meeting, IAR & SCN approval etc.

(vi)    If Audit Circles are shifted at Alwer, Bhiwadi, Udaipur or Jodhpur there will be requirement of separate buildings, infrastructure facilities and residential quarters at those stations.

(vii)   In Jaipur, sufficient government residential accommodations are available and Audit Commissionerate can be functioned in a single building smoothly. 

In view of above, it is requested that looking into the geographically condition of Rajasthan all Audit Circles should only be stationed at Jaipur for smooth functioning of the Audit Commissionerate and staff welfare.

Saturday, December 13, 2014

New Transfer Policy

Dear Friends/Comrades,
Good evening
As committed on our whatsApp group, please find attached herewith a copy of draft transfer policy for examination in common interest of our cadre. Please submit your valuable comments and reasoned suggestions for necessary action before the administration by our Association’s office bearers.
Please note that the draft policy is to be finalized in the coming week therefore, please circulate it among all colleagues and do the needful well in time.
Please also remain in touch with S/Shri NM Verma, General Secretary and Sunil Verma, Joint Secretary for effective action on the suggestions.
With good wishes,
Yours well-wisher
BL Meena                   

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Dear Friends/Comrades,
Good afternoon
This blog has been created as per valuable suggestions of Group ‘B’ Executive (Gazetted) Officers i.e. Superintendents of Customs, Central Excise & Service Tax of Rajasthan, as a news blog for the cadre. This blog will a supporting blog to CENGO INDIA i.e. our All India Federation.
I will do my utmost efforts to update all of you with the latest activities relating to our career. I also request all the newly promoted Superintendents to
(i) please learn a lesson from the seniors.
(ii) Please be aware & united timely to safeguard our remaining career.
(iii) Please do the needful to avoid repetition of the history of acute stagnation in our life.
With good wishes,
Yours well-wisher
BL Meena                   