Friday, August 29, 2014

जय हो प्रथम पूज्य भगवान - गणेश चतुर्थी के पावन पर्व पर हार्दिक शुभकामनाए

विघ्नहर्ता,मंगलकर्ता आप सब के जीवन में नूतन उत्साह का संचार करे समस्त विपत्तियों से आप सबकी और आपके परिवार की रक्षा करे...हे गणपति बप्पा सारी बुराइयो से दूर रख कर आप हमें अपने चरणों में स्थान दे...!!!

!! गणपति बाप्पा मोरया !
!! मंगल मूर्ति मोरया !!
शुभ कामनाओ के साथ,
बाबूलाल मीना

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Appeal of unity and suggestions for new policy

Dear Comrades,

In continuation to the last post dated 26.08.2014, now it appears that most of the colleagues are engaged their personal calculation of promotion and further possible developments and are not submitting suggestions in common interest of the cadre.

As regards the national issues, our all India Federation doing tireless efforts for common interest of the cadre, but the regional issues are to be decided by our united efforts for common interest. AICEIA (Rajasthan Circle) had asked for the suggestion to frame new Transfer Policy in changed scenario in light of Cadre restructuring, but the same are still awaited.
Today the matter has been discussed with office bearers of Superintendent Association as a combined transfer policy to be finalized. We have written a letter to the CC (Jaipur Zone) asking some specific information regarding the proposed policy. You are again requested to maintain unity in common interest and send your valuable suggestions as the earliest.
Yours comradely,

BL Meena

A copy of today's letter is posted below for your kind perusal:-

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Promotion date notified by the Board

Suggestions in revised scenario

Dear Comrades,
As you know that after the CC’s conference the Board has started initial work for implementation of Cadre Restructuring, however notifications regarding revised jurisdiction of new organisations and date of operation are still awaited. The picture can be cleared after meeting of all cadre controlling authorities to be held in Board on 27th August, 2013.
The issues of removal regional disparity in promotion by implementation all India seniority is being looked after by our all India Federation. The key office bearers are doing their job very well and further line of action will be decided in National Body meeting in New Delhi on 6th September, 2014.
As per stand of our Association/Federation there is no objection for DPC/promotion of Inspectors upto batch of 2002, but if all India seniority is not implemented in DPC/promotion of Inspectors of 2003 batch onward then matter will be litigated.
The CC (Jaipur Zone) has also constituted some committees for basic infrastructure facilities, Creation of new Divisions & Ranges, DPCs, Transfer policy etc. for implementation of the CR. In this regard, your valuable suggestions are invited for Transfer Policy in light of revised formations/Commissionerates of Jaipur Zone.
You are requested to submit your logical, feasible and practical suggestions so that a justified & transparent Transfer Policy can be framed in common interest.
You may send your suggestions and comments by mail at “
Yours comradely,
BL Meena                                                           

Monday, August 18, 2014

Happy Janmashtami

With heartiest wishes for an early good news

Yours comradely,

BL Meena

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Action by the Federation for Justice with our cadre

Dear Comrades,
In continuation to earlier posts, all the Association members are hereby informed that AICEIA (Rajasthan Circle) is regularly in touch with key office bearers of our Federating sharing valuable suggestions for real justice with the cadre.

Please go through the following post and letter written to the Chairperson by the Federation, which is in conformity that our suggestions & efforts are in right direction. The action of new office bearers of Federation is appreciable in common interest. Indeed it is the need or hour.

Please be united & ready to extend cooperation on call of the Federation for justice.

Yours comradely,

BL Meena,
AICEIA (Rajasthan Circle)

Copy of post and letter of the Federation:-
Tuesday, August 5, 2014

 At last much awaited Cadre Restructuring of CBEC has finally taken a shape vide letter vide F No. A 11019/08/2013 –Ad. IV dated 01.08.2014, though it serves little to ease out the stagnation of most stagnated zones and there is nothing to address regional disparity. In fact, it will create great gap between most stagnated and less stagnated zones. One of our key demands i.e. All India Seniority has also not been addressed though DGHRD and the Study Group have conceded to this demand in the meeting on 31.07.2014. We have been continuously presenting our view and discussing our points to eradicate Regional Disparity and Stagnation with CBEC, DGHRD and different Committees/Study Groups etc.  Even during our last meeting with the Study Group on Stagnation on 31.07.2014, we presented our detailed views on Regional Disparity and measures to address the problem of Stagnation and no such measures have been implemented before the CR.  Board has made a great joke to many stagnated zones by way of giving 7, 25, 46, 86 etc. posts of the Superintendent, which will not even promote the Inspectors of 1992, 1994 etc.

 AICEIA strongly protests such mentality which deprives Inspectors from their basic rights.  At present, we are thinking on all possible ways to bring justice for our cadre and your views and supports are highly solicited. Today a letter has been written to the Chairperson, CBEC with copies to the Union Minister of State for Finance and the Revenue Secretary, Govt. of India, which is reproduced as under:-
(Abhishek Kamal)
Secretary General

F.No. AICEIA/CCBEC/CR/2014/10             Date: 05.08.2014                               
The Chairperson,
Central Board of Excise & Customs,
North Block, New Delhi-1. 

Sub: - Cadre Restructuring – Regional Disparities in Promotions of Central Excise      Inspectors to Superintendents – Extreme Disappointment of Cadre at Continuing Grave Injustice.


It is with deep anguish that we write today to lodge this Association’s strongest possible protest on the CBEC notifying allocation of personnel to various formations as part of the CR exercise (vide F No. A 11019/08/2013 –Ad. IV dated 01.08.2014) without first resolving the issue of regional disparities in promotions of Inspectors to Superintendents of Central Excise.  Available information indicates that the said disparities would continue to fester acutely for long even in the post-restructuring period. 

 If the CBEC has devised any plans for filling up the posts of Superintendents in a manner that eliminates the said disparities, it is requested that the same may kindly be made known to us also - to this cadre which has been anxiously waiting for some news on this front for several years now, but getting only repeated empty assurances from the highest echelons of the Board that the same will be addressed in course of CR.  From what has been put out in this regard on the public domain, we are unable to discern any measure which will result in doing away with the said disparities. 

The members of this Association are highly agitated and dismayed at the continued neglect of this cadre’s burning issues, and the callous manner in which a great opportunity (Cadre Restructuring) to genuinely resolve at least partially some of their problems looks like being frittered away by the select few in the CBEC in their unseemly hurry to ensure immediate and huge benefits to their own kind. 

 We can only conclude from the recent developments that the prolonged or rather endless consultations with this Association by many specially appointed bodies and Study Groups and Committees that has been going on at the CBEC’s instance is farcical, and meant only to facilitate a convenient reply to the Ministry that the problem of Inspectors of Central Excise are being addressed in consultation with the Association representing them.

         We request you to immediately order that vacancies in the cadre of Superintendents allocated to various Zones should be filled only in the manner that senior Inspectors from any Zone should be promoted ahead of Inspectors who are junior to them from any (other) Zone, which will at least enable their seniority in the lower cadre to beprotected when  seniority as Superintendents is  reckoned, which as per extant provisions is on an All India basis, and the date of joining as Superintendent is the criterion for determining inter-se seniority of Superintendents.  Further, it is also requested that before implementation of this Cadre Restructuring, All India Seniority regime for Inspectors from 1996-batch (joined in 2003) must be brought in order to bring justice in the cadre.  It is indeed unfortunate that even after this issue was represented so many times, no action has apparently been taken on the same, despite definite directions having been issued to the Board by the Revenue Secretary, Govt. of India also in this regard. 

Copies of certain important earlier correspondence, bearing reference nos. as listed hereunder, in this regard, are enclosed for ready reference: - 

1.   OSD/ MPV/Inspector Assoc.  dated 22.03.2013 issued by Member(P&V), CBEC
2.   Nil dated 28.03.2013 issued by ADG (HRM) DGHRD, CBEC
3.  AICEIA/Prom Disparities/2014 dated 10.02.2014 submitted by this Association
4.   AICEIA/CBEC/RR/2014 dated 11.02.2014 submitted by this Association
5. AICEIA/Regional Disparities/ 2013 dated 17.12.2013 submitted by this Association
6. AICEIA/CBEC/2012/ UPGRADATION dated 26.06.2013 submitted by this Association
7. AICEIA/Admin/2014/02 dated 09.07.2014 submitted by this Association
8. AICEIA/Merger.HRD/2014/06 dated 15.07.2014 submitted by this Association
9.  AICEIA/CBEC/Resolutions/2014 dated 23.07.2014 submitted by this Assocation 

        Madam, we are also very disappointed that despite our pursuing with your office several times, we have not been granted an audience by you, and we once again request that we may be given an appointment at your earliest convenience so that we may present the cadre’s grave concerns before you in person and also suggest workable solutions to those.
Encl. As above.
Yours faithfully,
(Abhishek Kamal)
Secretary General
Copy submitted to:-

1.  The Hon’ble Union Minister of State for Finance, North Block, New Delhi w.r.t letter No. AICEIA/CBEC/2014  dated 18.06.2014 submitted to her when office bearers of this Association met her, with a request for an appropriate intervention in the matter.
2.  The Revenue Secretary, Govt. of India, North Block, New Delhi, w.r.t letter No. AICEIA/RS/2013 dated 25.04.2014 submitted by office bearers of this Association when they met him, with a request for an appropriate intervention in the matter.
(Abhishek Kamal)
Secretary General

An appeal & suggestions by Comrade Abhay Singh – General Secretary, mailed to to SG of Federation & copy to all colleagues:-

Dear Coom.
I am addressing you with full of grief & broken heart as you know that 8 inspectors of 1994 batch will not get promotion even after this cadre restructuring. there 328 inspectors up to 2002 & we have get 139 post in this C.R.
Most surprisingly no additional sanction has been provided to Raj. for Customs formation whereas posts for Land Customs Station Munavab was sanctioned in 1987 with condition to be notify as soon as LCS will functional. LCS is in function since 2006 but neither the post are notified nor the new sanction is given. The sanction strength of Customs is same since 1998. there is no change even after creation of many ICDs, Air Cargo & Air Port after 1998. there are many points, for example ,no additional sanction is provided for service tax despite maximum growth in revenue among all country..we had more than 70000 assessee in rajasthan & more than 50000  under  jaipur Commissionerate only but in this C.R sanction strength of jaipur comm. has been reduced instead of increase.
Dear brother we are with you whatever stands the federation take. as & when you will call we will be there.
My request for my younger brothers who joined 2002 & onward. pl. do something so that their future should not be tarnished by ----------. what my senior lost you will understand better whenyou will found that a Inspector of 1991 batch of Raj  will work under his batch-mate of other Zone I.e----------- because being upper in merit in 1991 he get succeeded to opt Raj whereas his colleague from our state had to choose other Zone due to lower merit. Now our Zone Inspector will be retired as Supdt. after this C.R & his batch-mate of our state from other i.e ------- Zone will minimum retire as D.c or J.c.
I am to draw attention towards the letter of Member (P&V) written to Federation in 2013 wherein it was assured that disparity will be removed in C.r. The allocation of posts have been made but it is not clear how disparity will be removed. Being G.s of Raj Circle , I draw your attention about the federation's demand that the inspectors of stangnated Zons will be given a chance of promotion in nearby Zones.we are ready to work in Delhi or Gujrat. Raise this issue vehemently with the board so the young inspectors should not suffer what the senior had suffered.
We are again with you for all india seniority & our full support is with you whatever remedies/ action you takes for it. 
Sd/- 5.8.2014
Your Commeredly
abhay singh
G.S RaJ Circle

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Urgent message for united opinion

Dear Comrades,
In continuation of Association’s post dated 28th July and 2nd August, 2014 all the Inspectors of Rajasthan are hereby informed that:-

We have received call from our all India Federation seeking our urgent & time bound views/suggestions on our demand for implementation of all India seniority of our cadre at least from 2003 onwards during implementation of the present CR.

As per office bearers of the Federation, the CBEC wants to implement all India seniority of our cadre from prospective effect i.e. after implementation of the present CR on the basis of regional seniority lists. The constitution of present Study Group on stagnation is nothing except to divert our attention from our this demand of natural justice.

Our Federation’s main focus is on implementation of all India seniority of our cadre from 2003 batch onwards in compliance of the judgement of the Supreme Court, too before or during implementation of present CR therefore, the Secretary General of the Federation asked our opinion on the following lines of action.

1.    Strong protest before the competent authorities of the Board and Chief Commissioners of all cadre controlling Zones for finalisation of the issue of all India seniority of cadre before implementation of the present CR.

2.    The DPC should not be conducted in any Zone for promotion of Inspectors of 2003 batch onwards till implementation of all India seniority of our cadre.

3.    Filing contempt petition and SLP before the Supreme Court seeking legal relief and directions for implementation of all India seniority of our cadre from batch of 2003 onwards i.e. the 1st batch of recruitment in compliance of the Supreme Court’s judgement of 1996.

We have received more or less similar calls from colleagues & office bearers of Shilong, Mumbai, Kolkata & Patna Zones. You are therefore, requested to send your views/opinion/suggestion by returning mail, call or sms so that we can communicate our united views to the Federation for necessary action in common interest of our cadre. 

Friends – We are waiting for your valuable & urgent opinion.

 Yours comradely,
BL Meena                                                           Abhay Singh
PRESIDENT                                           GENERAL SECRETARY

नोटिफ़िकेशन तो आ गया, लेकिन प्रमोशन कब और कैसे ?

Dear Comrades,

The much awaited order specifying the new formations and allocation of staff for new formations has been issued by the Board. As per the said order, now there will be following 6 Commissionerates in the Central Excise (Jaipur Zone):-
                                                                          Strength of Superintendent
     1.   Central Excise Commissionerate, Jaipur                         70
     2.   Central Excise Audit Commissionerate, Jaipur               78
     3.   Central Excise Commissionerate, Alwar                          60
     4.   Central Excise Commissionerate, Jodhpur                      58
     5.   Central Excise Commissionerate, Udaipur                       58
     6.   Customs Commissionerate, Jodhpur                                80

*In addition to above there will be only one O/o the Commissioner (Appeals) containing sanctioned strength of 2 posts of Superintendent.

**The above formations will be under supervision of the Chief Commissioners (CCO & CCA) containing strength of 11 posts of Superintendent.

Now, the revised sanctioned strength of Superintendent will be 417 (70+78+60+58+58+80+2+11) against the existing strength of 278. Thus, only 139 (417-278) Inspectors of our Zone will be promoted to the grade of Superintendent during implementation of the CR.

Thus, in Rajasthan Inspectors upto batch of 1994 only will be promoted whereas in other Zones Inspectors upto batch of 2006 will be promoted during implementation of the CR. There is no mention about any modalities for removal of stagnation & regional disparity in promotion.

In Customs Commissionerate, Jodhpur 10 posts of Appraiser have also been sanctioned, but there are instructions to fill up the same from Customs Houses of Mumbai, Chennai & Kolkata. AICIEA (Rajasthan Circle) will do all possible efforts to convert the same in posts of Superintendent. Further, the efforts are continues for separate sanction of posts for International Airport, Jaipur & LCS, Munabao.

Friends- During discussion on several occasions, AICEIA (Rajasthan Circle) had requested the competent authorities of the Board that looking into acute stagnation and regional disparity promotional opportunities for cadre of Jaipur Zone should be extended in neighbouring Zones, but the Board has shown discrimination while considering such request of Mumbai & Bhopal Zones only.

Study Group on stagnation:-
The Board has again constituted a new study group for examination and solution of existing stagnation & regional disparity in our cadre. The study group has organised its 1st meeting on 31st July, 2014 and likely to complete & submit his report in October, 2014. Further, there is no guarantee that report of the study group will be accepted and implemented because the Board will be free to constitute further study group or committee in the matter.

Friends – After approval of CR from the Cabinet, two Committees under Chairmanship of the DG (DRI) & DG (HRD) have already examined and submitted their reports to the Board obtaining all possible suggestions to solve the burning issue. This exercise is only for their near & dear of Zones to give undue promotional benefit on & above of their senior colleagues working in other Zones.

Therefore, there is no need to constitute of such study group or Committee again & again whereas all the facts are available with the Board. The Board’s judicious decision is the need of the hour for justice with their stagnated subordinate cadres.

Future of CR implementation:-
The all India seniority of our cadre is to be implemented at least from recruitment of 2003 batch as per judgement of the Supreme Court that is why Our Associations & Federation have suggested & demanded that the existing stagnation & regional disparity can only be removed through all India seniority of our cadre during implementation of the CR.
The Almighty may bestow wisdom to the Board to follow judgment of the Apex Court, failing which implementation of CR will be litigated for want of natural justice.

The notifications regarding jurisdiction of the new formations will be issued shortly and DPCs for promotions in IRS cadres will be conducted simultaneously, but the god almighty only knows about the justice & promotions in both the group ‘B’ executive cadres.

Please send your valuable views & suggestions at the earliest.

Yours comradely,

BL Meena