Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Update on AGT, Relieving and CR

Dear Comrades,

We again met with the Chief Commissioner (Jaipur Zone) on 23rd June, 2014 :-

(i) for relieving of the transferred Inspectors especially for relief to our colleagues working at Indo-Pak Customs border, as all transferred Inspectors have not yet relived till date, and

(ii) to know progress of revised transfer & posting orders with reference to the cases of AGT orders, (which are not as per the existing transfer policy) and some genuine transfer requests.

The Chief Commissioner remained out of Jaipur during the last week therefore, expected revised transfer & posting orders not yet finalised and now the Commissioners of Customs and CE, Jaipur-II are out of Jaipur. However, the Chief Commissioner is fully convinced with our submissions and has again assured that the requested revised transfer & posting orders will be issued shortly.

Further, as per ICT orders 12 Inspectors are likely to join in Rajasthan in July, 2014 therefore, we hope that genuine transfer requests will also be fulfilled accordingly. On relieving issue, the Chief Commissioner has assured that all transferred Inspectors will be relieved on or before 25th June, 2014.

A delegation of our Association is leaving for Trivandrum (Kerala) to participate in all India Convention of the Federation, to be held on 27-28th June, 2014.

Friends - Uncertainty continues on when and in what manner CR will be implemented in the CBEC. It appears that picture will only be cleared after the Budget session. The blog will be updated after Trivandrum Convention.

Yours comradely,

BL Meena                                                           Abhay Singh
PRESIDENT                                           GENERAL SECRETARY

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Our Blog & Colleague in main news of TIOL

Central Excise Inspector selected for IAS
"SURESH Kumar Ola, an Inspector of Central Excise in the Service Tax Division of Ajmer, Rajasthan has made his tribe proud. Shortly he will be an IAS officer. He secured 41st rank in the merit list of the Civil Services Examination results announced last week. 90 candidates from the open category have been selected for IAS out of a total of 1122 candidates selected for the Civil Services.
BL Meena, President of the Rajasthan Circle Central Excise Inspectors Association who helped us in tracking down Suresh Ola was excited and very proud of the achievement of his colleague.
Born to Mr. Gopal Lal Ola and Mrs. Keshar Devi at Doongri Kalan village of Jaipur, Suresh was a bright student and very early in life got through a competitive examination for admission into Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya, Paota, Jaipur. Two other former students of this school made it into the Civil Services this year.
Even a job is nothing new for Suresh. After completing his MBA, Suresh worked in Nokia as Assistant Manager and later in Bank of Baroda as a probationary officer before joining Central Excise as Inspector. Suresh says he received great support from Ajmer Assistant Commissioner AK Singh and Superintendents Meena, Ashutish Loomba and Vinod Basheta. He is grateful to his seniors in the Department from whom he learnt many things and was able to face the interview successfully as the interview centred around his working in Central Excise and Service Tax.
Suresh loves playing cricket and reading novels. It was a great pleasure to talk to this young man who is already into his fourth job - and one of the most coveted and envied of jobs in India.
TIOL wishes Suresh a great career ahead. Maybe he should become the Revenue Secretary - if the post is not abolished by then.
The MoS in the Ministry Dr. Jitendra Singh has congratulated all the successful candidates."

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Revenue Secretary again changed

Dear Comrades,

Recently you are reading news on various Blogs of various representatives of our departmental Associations that the Board is going to implement CR-2013 by issuing Notifications/OMs in the next few days on jurisdiction of new formations, and allocation of staff to those.
Shri Shaktikanta Das, IAS - Our new Revenue Secretary

The reality is before all of us that today the Government has appointed Shri Shaktikanta Das of 1980 Batch (TN Cadre) as new Revenue Secretary, replacing Shri Rajiv Takru. It was very much assuming on the basis of internal report of my Delhi source that is why I continuously posting on this Blog (after 23rd May, 2014) that implementation of CR not appears possible before the Budget session.

Yours comradely,

BL Meena                                                          

Efforts for fair AGT orders

Dear Comrades,

We were receiving many calls specially from our colleagues working at Indo-Pak Customs border for relieving consequent on their transfer orders dated 30/05/2014. We have raised this genuine demand strongly before the administration that is why the Administration issued letter on 13/06/2014 to relieve all the transferred officers on the same day.

An Executive Body meeting of the Association held on 13th June, 2014 (Friday) to discuss & decide action on transfer & posting orders found/reported not as per the existing transfer policy. All such cases were discussed in the meeting, but decided to take up some cases before the Administration as per unanimous decision of the quorum.

In this regard a letter written on the spot to the Chief Commissioner (JZ) and concerned Commissioners for consideration & rectification. A delegation consisting President, General Secretary & Asstt General Secretary-I comrade Alok Mathur also met with the Chief Commissioner for necessary action.
The Chief Commissioner has given patient hearing & assured for positive action for relief to the aggrieved Association members. Hope for the best in common interest. A copy of the said letter is posted below for your kind information:-

Yours comradely,

BL Meena                                                           Abhay Singh
PRESIDENT                                           GENERAL SECRETARY

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Rajasthani Inspector become IAS

Congratulations!              Congratulations!              Congratulations!

This Association congratulates 'SHRI SURESH KUMAR OLA', Inspector (Service Tax), Central Excise Division, Ajmer on his final selection in Civil Services Examination -2013.
He has secured '41th position' in the merit list therefore, all Association members have pride on this occasion and wishes SHRI OLA for bright future & career of comrade Shri Ola.
With regards,
BL Meena                                                          

Position of CR v/s Convention of Federation

Dear Comrades,  

The following flash news is running on TIOL.

“Implementation of Cadre Review: CBEC Team working on bunch of Notifications”

On being asked from Delhi sources, they have reported that final touch is being given to the notifications to notify the revised jurisdictions of new/old Commissionerates/Directorates and to allocation manpower in the said formations, but there is no possibility to issue the same before the Budget session.

There is no good news from Delhi for Inspectors of the most stagnated/discriminated Zones because the Board/DGHRD is not ready either to implement all India seniority of Inspector cadre or to remove the regional disparity in promotion. On the other hand, the existing disparity likely to be increased as a proposal to reduce qualifying service from 8 yr to 2 yr is stated ready with DOPT for issuance during implementation of the CR-2013.

The efforts made by our Federation/Association Circles vis-a-vis comments/stand/opposition of other Federations/Associations are before you. The Board enjoying in game of divide & rule over the un-united subordinate cadres.

The new Government has taken place therefore, it is my humble suggestion for our President & Secretary General of the Federation that issue of all India seniority and removal regional disparity should again be taken up before the new Finance Minister/MoS/Revenue Secretary for natural justice of the cadre becoz now there is no hope of justice from the Board.

Friends – You are also aware that Convention of our Federation is proposed to be held at Trivandrum on 27th & 28th June, 2014. I’m also of the opinion that it is not right time for convention and new team therefore, the present office bearers of the Federation must be continued till implementation of the CR-2013 in justified manner. Further, the Convention is also not due therefore, looking into present scenario the convention must be cancelled or postponed. The CEC meeting can be organised in North Zone for effective follow up on the efforts.

With fond hope of suitable decision by the Federation.

Yours comradely,

BL Meena                                                          

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Bitter truth on CR

Dear Comrades     Good afternoon, this new Blog crossed a number of 70000 visitors/viewers during the last 3 months.

We are dedicated to keep you informed with the latest news/views on CR-2013 or any other issue relating to our career. Our constant endeavour is to make your visit to this Blog a more satisfying experience that is why number of visitors is increasing rapidly. We wish to get your kind support as we have been receiving so far throughout India. Therefore, please write us, if you have any suggestion or feedback.

Truth is the Truth:
On 1st June, 2014, we had already informed that Thus, it appears that the awaited notifications are not being issued at least before August, 2014. Today, other bloggers also admitted our views writing that re-organisation would be implemented after the Budget session.

Friends – It is very unfortunate in CBEC that the CR being delayed in due to futile exercise of the Committees during December to April and our colleagues have no option except to retire month by month without 2nd promotion of the life.

Since promotions have been started in CBDT as a result of CR therefore, it is time for untidily appeal by all Associations/Federations before the new Finance Minister/MoS/Revenue Secretary for justice so that awaited notifications can be issued without further delay.

Yours comradely,

BL Meena                                                          

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

An appeal to Association members

Dear Comrades,

Please refer to our earlier posts on AGT-2014, wherein the Association members, who are aggrieved with transfer & postings orders, were requested to provide copy of their representation, if any, so that their cases can be taken up with the Administration examining in light of the existing transfer policy.

The Association has not received even a single representation, except some request for transfer from one station to another station on sympathetic grounds, which are considered by the Administration on merit vis-a-vis availability of vacancy at particular station.

However, some colleagues have reported some cases of transfer & posting against the transfer policy. In this regard it to inform all of you that such few cases are already in knowledge of the Association team and we are waiting for specific posting orders of all Divisional offices. The Association team will take up all cases of policy deviation before the Administration rather than in piece meal.

The Divisional representatives of outer Divisions are requested that to provide copy of awaited orders immediately.

Friends – The Association team is committed that transfer policy is strictly followed during the AGT so please do not share your views with PRESS/MEDIA before all efforts of the Association and results thereof.

Yours comradely,

BL Meena                                                          

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Views on notification of CR

Dear Comrades,

Many colleagues are asking about status/future of awaited notifications for implementation of the CR-2010. Rajasthan team has not visited Delhi after meeting of 19th May, 2014 and no further activities have heard from there. I’m of the opinion that reasons behind delay is issuance of the said notification are as under:-

(i)    The Board authorities delayed in issuance of the said notifications through futile re-exercise & interpretation on re-organisation of the sanctioned/approved Commissionerates of the Cabinet.

(ii)   Transfer posting of IRS officers is a very sensitive work and started just before oath of the new Government/Minister, however the same is also kept in abeyance.

(iii) The awaited notifications were/are ready for issuance and there was no problem if the same were issued before the said transfer posting orders of IRS officers because CR notifications are result of very old meeting of the Cabinet. Now, the awaited notifications can only be issued after discussion and perusal of the new FM

(iv)  The new Government/FM asked the Revenue Sectary presentation and road map on the GST that is why Board authorities are not in a position to discuss with the Revenue Secretary on implementation of the CR or on any other routine work.

(v)   The new Finance Minister appears busy in preparation agenda for 1st 100 days and Budget of the new Government. Further there will be parliament session in June, 2014 and Budget session in July, 2014.

(vi)  Thus, it appears that the awaited notifications are not being issued at least before August, 2014.

All India seniority:

On being asked by many colleagues about implementation of all India seniority during implementation of the CR it is again submitted that the Board authorities not appears positive on this issue. Thus, justice of seniority & equity cannot meet until & unless decision of the competent court on case filed by Inspectors of 2003 onward batch. We have obtained legal opinion from learned counsel on the issue and it will be a good case & decision for the cadre. PLEASE ALSO REMEMBER THAT ABHI NAHI TO KABHI NAHI.

With regards,

Yours comradely,

BL Meena