Saturday, November 16, 2013

Be united for possible struggle for justice

Dear Comrades,

Update News
It is being learnt that the Cabinet Note forwarded by CBEC relating to approval of cadre restructuring proposals of CBEC  has been finally prepared/ approved  on 26.11.2013 by Cabinet Secretary, but due to our ill luck Cabinet  Secretariate could not allot  time slot in a short time  for approval of CR of  CBEC  in the cabinet meeting  held on  28.11.2013 . It is expected that CR of CBEC may likely to be approved in the next cabinet meeting on 05.12.2013.
Further, it has also learnt that looking into final position of CR, the CBEC has constituted a CR implementation Committee including Dr Sandeep Srivastava, Commissioner (CE JPR-I) as a member of the said committee.

The office bearers of AICEIA (Rajasthan Circle) have completed all possible home work and preliminary meetings with the competent authorities. Our main focus is on removal of prevailing acute stagnation too with regional parity in promotion. 
The justice not appears an easy task therefore, all the Association members are requested to united and ready for possible struggle to achieve the goal. The rest things will be discussed in the General Body Meeting shortly. 
With regards,
B L Meena

Friday, November 8, 2013

Latest status of the Cabinet Note

Dear Comrades,  Good evening.
Though many colleagues might have gone through the updated news on CR of Shri Ravi Malik, Secy General of AIACEGEO, but the same is reproduced below for your ready reference. I have also telephonically discussed with Shri Malik and came to know that the prescribed time limit for clearance from various authorities is of five weeks from the date of clearance by the Hon'ble Finance Minister.
*** Recently I have also came to know that the long pending cabinet note has also been cleared by the DOPT today evening and now the same will be considered by the Cabinet Secretary - PMO - Cabinet Meeting for final approval likely on 21st November, 2013. Now, we have no option except to pray & hope for an early approval.
The next round of effective efforts for betterment of our Cadre will be made immediately on approval of CR by the Cabinet. Please be united for the possible struggle for the justice.
We are also planning that a delegation of Rajasthan Circle should attend the COC’s proposed meeting on 23.11.2013 at CR Building, New Delhi. 
With regards,
B L Meena

 Update by SG-AIACEGEO on CR:-
Many colleagues are inquiring daily about the status of CR. It is expected to be placed before cabinet during this month. Before sending to cabinet, the cabinet note is sent to Law, Exp., DOPT, Cab Sec & PMO to be returned within mandatory period. If not returned within mandatory period, it is treated as deemed concurred. Law & Exp have already concurred it, it is also expected to be returned within this week from DOPT with their observations. Cab Sec & PMO generally don't respond to this formal note. So, it is expected to be sent to cabinet after the expiry of mandatory period accordingly.
Schedule of Cabinet Meetings:- 
Meetings of the Cabinet are normally held at Council House, Saltergate, Chesterfield. Please refer to details of specific meetings in the menu on the left to be held during November, 2013 to May, 2014:-
Wednesday, 20 November 2013 - 10.00 am
Wednesday, 18 December 2013 - 10.00 am
Wednesday, 22 January 2014 - 10.00 am
Wednesday, 19 February 2014 - 10.00 am
Wednesday, 19 March 2014 - 10.00 am
Wednesday, 16 April 2014 - 10.00 am
Wednesday, 14 May 2014 - 10.00 am
Dear friends,
Good afternoon
As also discussed with the ITGOA (Income Tax Gazetted Officers Association), this is the time to reactivate our COC. As we all know that the government is going to constitute the VIIth CPC and cadre restructurings of CBDT & CBEC are also to be implemented, it is the immediate need of the time to stand unitedly under the forum of COC in the Department of Revenue particularly relating to our pay matters & career prospects. 
In view of above, all of the staff Associations are very cordially invited to attend a meeting on the issue on 23.11.13 at C. R. Bldg., New Delhi. All are requested to kindly make it convenient to attend the meeting to be started at 11 a.m. We may discuss the road map of the actions to be taken by the COC in the common interest on this day alongwith other modalities.
Secretary General,


Wednesday, November 6, 2013

The unity is the need of the hour

Dear Comrades……Good evening.
It is a bitter truth that today we facing acute stagnation and disparity in promotion due to discrimination during the last Cadre Restructuring-2002. There was no organizational increase in Rajasthan due to our inactiveness/carelessness. 
The Jaipur Zone is the worst suffering Zone of the country after Shillong Zone, which is clear from the material fact that Inspectors of 1991 batch of Jaipur Zone are still waiting for the first promotion of the career whereas Inspectors of 2003 batch of Delhi and Bhubaneswar are already been promoted. 
The latest developments are appears not to be good for Jaipur zone on account of less industrial growth in the state of Rajasthan. Further it has also been gathered that the Board is going to reduce the staffing norms of Central Excise Commissionerate from the proposed 80 Superintendents to only 50-60 Superintendents for adjustment of the DOPT's cut of 30% in the original proposals. This will result into creation of only two (2) new post of Superintendent in Rajasthana (4x50+80= 280-278=2) for promotion.
Though confirmation of this news is awaited from the competent authorities, but OUR UNITY IS THE NEED OF THE HOUR for struggle/fight against possible negative result.
Comrades, the office bearers of Rajasthan Circle are committed for DO or DIE struggle for the justice therefore, all of you are also requested to be ready for any constitutional action against the prevailing and POSSIBLE regional disparity in promotional avenues.
Please remember - The Association member's unity is only the strength of its office bearers.
A General Body Meeting will be called immediately on return of our GS from LTC.
We are waiting for your just response in the matter and further line of action will be decided accordingly.
With regards,
B L Meena

Friday, November 1, 2013

Wish you healty & wealthy DHANTERSH (धनतेरस)

धनतेरस (Dhanteras):-An ancient legend ascribes the occasion to on interesting story about the 16 year old son of King Hima. His horoscope predicted his death by snake-bite on the fourth day of his marriage. On that particular day, his newly-wed wife did not allow him to sleep. She laid out all her ornaments and lots of gold and silver coins in a heap at the entrance of the sleeping chamber and lit lamps all over the place. Then she narrated stories and sang songs to keep her husband from falling asleep. The next day, when Yama, the god of Death, arrived at the prince’s doorstep in the guise of a Serpent, his eyes were dazzled and blinded by the brilliance of the lamps and the jewellery. Yama could not enter the Prince's chamber, so he climbed on top of the heap of gold coins and sat there the entire night listening to the stories and songs. In the morning, he silently went away. Thus, the young prince was saved from the clutches of death by the cleverness of his new bride, and the day came to be celebrated as Dhanteras. The following day came to be called Naraka Chaturdashi ('Naraka' means hell and Chaturdashi means 14th). It is also known as ‘Yamadeepdaan’ as the ladies of the house light earthen lamps or ‘deep’ and these are kept burning throughout the night glorifying Yama, the God of Death.